September 13, 2024

A Tamed Tongue

Written by Boyd Bailey

Love tames the tongue.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 13, 2024

No human being can tame the tongue. James 3:8, NIV

Life can seem ironic at times. In my own strength, I attempt to control what I can’t and not control what I can. Crazy right? For example, I am learning that I can’t control another person’s response to my words but can control my own words. My tongue can be a quiet trolling motor of calm or a loud outboard motor of confusion. The good news is that the Lord commands me and empowers me in His Spirit to put a governor on what I say, how I say what I say, and the timing of when to say what I say. As James 3:3-6 explains, my tongue can be like a rudder that guides a ship, a brindle that tempers bad behavior, or a destructive raging fire. Love tames the tongue.

It’s not consistent Christian behavior to use the tongue to praise God with one breath and curse a fellow human being with another. Believers know better. What if followers of Jesus humbled themselves and chose to use words like Jesus used words? Words of edification. Words of wisdom. Words of life. Pride says nobody will push me around; I’ll give them a piece of my mind if they try. Meanwhile, humble speech blesses those who curse and speaks words of healing to those who are hurting. When the winds of adversity are blowing, keeping your conversations in check is especially wise. Just a spark of anger can cause a combustible circumstance to explode in a fiery rage. One person’s kind response can douse a pilot light of pride and ease the tension.

Though small, the tongue carries immense power capable of great good and terrible destruction. Words can heal, but they can also wound deeply. As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect His love and truth in our speech. When we fail to control our tongue, we risk causing division, spreading harm, and contradicting the very faith we profess. Controlling our speech requires humility and the help of the Holy Spirit, but it is essential for building others up and honoring God. As Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death,” so we must use our words carefully, offering life and grace to those around us. Love offers healing and gives life. 

Controlling your tongue can feel challenging, but Scripture offers guidance. First, pause before speaking. Proverbs 15:28 reminds you that “the heart of the righteous weighs its answers.” Take a moment to think before you speak—are your words helpful, loving, and true? Second, fill your heart with God’s Word. Jesus taught that “the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Luke 6:45). When your heart is saturated with Scripture, your words reflect His love and wisdom. Lastly, rely on the Holy Spirit. Ask God to help you tame your tongue, as James tells us we cannot do it alone. Pray daily for self-control, seeking to use your words to build others up and glorify God. A tamed tongue brings relational health, while a wild tongue wreaks relational havoc. Saint Augustine sums up the tongue, “When the tongue is brought under control, the whole person can be directed towards righteousness, for speech is the mirror of the soul.”


Lord, help me control my tongue. Guard my words so they reflect Your love and truth. Remind me to pause and seek Your patience and wisdom when I’m tempted to speak in anger or carelessness. Let my speech build others up, and may my words honor You in all circumstances. Amen.


How can you pray every day for the next 30 days that your words will bless those to whom you speak or greet?

Related Reading

Proverbs 15:4, 16:24; Matthew 12:36-37; Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6

Worship Resource

Cory Asbury feat. Fannie Rae: Only Jesus For My Pain


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