April 2, 2024

Alone but Never Alone

Written by Shana Schutte

How beautiful is the heart of our compassionate Savior!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – April 2, 2024

Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

Several weeks ago, my husband and I attended our small group Bible study and there was a woman present who had lost her husband. Valentine’s Day had recently passed, and the lack of his presence had left a deep hole in her heart.

The group decided to gather around her and pray. So, we tenderly laid our hands on her shoulders and petitioned the God of heaven to comfort and deliver her from sadness, loneliness, fear and to heal her heart. My prayer started out without emotion, but the longer I prayed, the harder I cried and through my tears, Jesus reminded me how lonely grief can make you feel. It’s as if you have a huge gaping hole inside you. You are crying but no one can hear your desperation. 

Grief, as well as other deep emotional or physical pain, can make us feel so very alone. This is very difficult because there are some trials in life that we must go through alone. There are times that even though we may not be physically alone, and we’re surrounded by companions who take our suffering journey with us, they cannot completely “go” with us through our trial because they simply cannot fully understand.

Such as it is with emotional pain or physical pain. Others may be with us, but they cannot completely know how we feel. And in this alone-ness, we are left with the One who will never ever leave us alone, and completely knows us including every thought we think and every emotion we feel. He clings closer to us than a brother and He knows our every need. 

When others are unable to meet our deepest needs and hear the deepest cries of our groaning souls, God is there. He’s there in ways that no human can be there, so that when our answer comes, we know He alone is our Deliverer. No human can be to us what the Lord can be to us when the storm rages. Even Christ, when He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, was left alone with his Father even though Peter, James, and John were a stone’s throw away.

There’s a certain purification that happens in our souls when we realize there is nowhere to turn but to Jesus. We stop relying on others to fix our problems and we are pulled into the loving arms of Christ. And how tender are those arms! He suffered so greatly and He made us, so He knows the desperation of the human heart, emotions, mind, and frailty of the human body.

And, because He alone knows it all and understands because He’s been there, He knows what it is to suffer alone. Therefore, He alone is best equipped to come to our rescue because no matter how many people surround us, they cannot fully heal us or save us from destruction. 

How beautiful is the heart of our compassionate Savior who has stood in our earthbound shoes. Praise Him! 

“When the Lord saw her, He felt compassion for her, and said to her, ‘Do not weep’” (Luke 7:13).


Lord, there are times I feel utterly alone. There are times I want others to fix my problems. But you alone are my Healer. You alone are my deliver. I trust you with all my heart and I press into the tenderness of your loving arms. Hold me, Jesus. Change me. Save me and make me all yours during this trial. Bring good from it. Amen.


Write down how the Lord has helped you in the past and delivered you. Then thank Him.

Related Reading

Isaiah 40:11; Isaiah 42:3; Matthew 9:36

Worship Resource

Hillsong Worship: Mighty to Save


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