July 25, 2024

An Everlasting Love

Written by Tripp Prince

The love of God is an everlasting love.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 25, 2024

The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV

I recently returned from a road trip with my family in which we explored the beauty of the American West. We decided to attempt as many hikes as we could, and roughly 40 miles and five national parks later, we can confirm that this country is filled with unspeakable wonders, able to take your breath away at every turn. And though the epic vistas and snow-capped mountains were stunning, my wife and I both noted that our favorite natural element was undoubtedly the rushing rivers of Colorado. 

Though these rivers impressed us with their volume and sheer force, as we marveled at them, we both noted how remarkable it was that they never ran out. The water that rushed past us in that moment had been there for centuries before us and will continue well beyond our own brief lifetimes. This is a truth that is hard to comprehend, stretching the mind in countless ways.

It is for good reason that the love of God has been compared to a rushing river. It is not simply that God’s love is abundant or powerful or overwhelming, though all of those are true. As I reflect upon this recent experience, I am comforted by the truth that the love of God is an everlasting love, one that crashes over us with wave after wave of endless mercy and grace. His love comes before us and goes ahead of us, and it knows no end. Even when we are at our worst, running from him as fast as we can, as Jeremiah reminds us today, the Lord draws his people to himself, not by force or coercion, but “with lovingkindness.” 

This is the God we serve and the one who invites us to call him “Father.” He looks upon us in love and longs to heal our deepest wounds and greatest fears, driving them out and washing them away in the river of his affection and care. Let us, therefore, move toward him and place ourselves in the center of his stream, for it is there that we will daily encounter his everlasting love and the transformation that it brings.


Father, like a mighty rushing river, you crash over us in perfect love. Steady our hearts and heal our souls with this great truth, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Consider a hiking trip to a river near you where you can sit along its banks and prayerfully reflect upon the love of God that has no beginning or end.

Related Reading

Psalm 136:26; Romans 8:39; 1 John 3:1

Worship Resource

Vintage Worship: Wave After Wave


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