September 12, 2024

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Written by Tripp Prince

Friction in a relationship is a blessing, not a curse.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 12, 2024

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17, NIV

“As iron sharpens iron” is one of the many iconic biblical phrases that work their way into our collective memories, perhaps sitting right next to “as the deer pants for the water” or perhaps “go to the ant, you sluggard.” These phrases come and go in our minds, often without any critical thought or further reflection. Their familiarity blinds us to the powerful wisdom contained within, and it is, therefore, time well spent to slow down for just a moment and prayerfully reflect upon the way of life that they call us to live.

The poetic nature of Proverbs 27:17 can distance us from the uncomfortable and even painful reality to which it points. Since few (if any) of us are ironsmiths, it takes a minute to peel back the meaning of a phrase like “iron sharpening iron.” Yet doing so is essential for us to gain the wisdom of this great verse. When two pieces of iron are rubbed together, the friction between them causes small particles of metal to be worn away from the edges. This friction is what helps to grind and refine the edge, making it sharper. A sharp and usable blade is the end result, yet friction and pressure are the means to this end.

In a similar way, friction in a relationship is a blessing, not a curse. Relationships are given to us by God to mold and shape us into the people he longs for us to be. Of course, friction and pressure that is born out of envy, jealousy, anger, or rage is not for our good and is a source of great pain and brokenness in the world. Yet just because friction can be used for harm does not mean we should be wary of it at all times and all places. Friction and pressure are not always a sign that things have gone wrong. In fact, they may be telling you that something is working just as God intended it. 

For friction and pressure to lead you deeper into the life of God, it must be rooted in intimate relationships of mutual trust and care. Do you love someone enough and seek their good so deeply that you are willing to have a hard and even confrontational conversation with them in order to invite them back into the way that leads to life? And similarly, do you have a few people, such as a spouse, sibling, or close friend, that you have invited into your life in such an intentional way that you long for their input, asking them to apply pressure and friction in order to help you become the man or woman you long to be?

Iron sharpening iron is an intense yet necessary process, and the same is true of our lives. Embrace the gift of friction, and give thanks today to God for the people in your life who keep you sharp and invite you to do the same for them.


Father, remind us that pressure and friction are not always to be avoided, but can instead be the very paths that lead to our transformation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Give thanks today to the Lord for the relationships in your life that are like iron sharpening iron.

Related Reading

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 10:24-25

Worship Resource

Jeremy Riddle: Purify My Heart (Refiner’s Fire)


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