August 29, 2024

Be Careful!

Written by Tripp Prince

Develop a healthy sense of caution and care, especially in seasons of spiritual growth and fruitfulness.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 29, 2024

So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! 1 Corinthians 10:12, NIV

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve told my children to “Look out!” or “Watch your step!” These situations seem to pop up at every turn: avoiding cars when walking through the neighborhood, not flipping around to the outside of the bridge when crossing a rushing river, or keeping your hands to yourself when cooking on the stove. It seems this is especially true in their early elementary years. When they are toddlers, there’s a sense of caution and healthy fear that remains, and once they get a bit older, their skills of discernment and observation begin to kick in. But for a few years, every parent on the planet is on pins and needles as they celebrate their child’s newfound sense of confidence while helping them navigate the very real challenges of this world. 

St. Paul, as a wise and faithful spiritual father to the churches in his charge, offers similar words of caution to his sons and daughters in the faith. “Be careful that you don’t fall!” he says. Yet, notice the context in which this caution is especially relevant: be careful when you are at your most confident. Like a child who has over-assessed their physical abilities and gifts of discernment, you and I must learn to develop a healthy sense of caution and care, especially in seasons of spiritual growth and fruitfulness. 

When our faith is on the rocks, and we are in a dark place, it’s easy to doubt our discernment and know we’re in need of help. Yet what about times when you have faithfully endured a season of great trial, and your faith comes through the other side stronger than ever before? It is precisely in these moments that you and I must pay extra attention to the temptations that surround us. It is in these moments that apathy and indifference toward the ways of God can quickly creep in. We believe that we are no longer tempted as we once were, no longer vulnerable in the same ways. 

These are the lies of the evil one that seek to pull us down and derail the authentic and faithful growth into the likeness of Christ that has taken place. When you stand firm, give thanks to God and celebrate this truth. However, do not celebrate prematurely. The finish line remains before us, and we must run the race with endurance until the very end (Hebrews 12:1-3).


Father, keep us ever attentive to the lives we lead, that we may walk worthily and follow wherever you lead, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


In what ways do you need to be careful and watch your steps, especially when you may be tempted to think you’re at your strongest?

Related Reading

Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 26:41; 1 Peter 5:8

Worship Resource

Brandon Lake and Phil Wickham: Love of God


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