June 10, 2024

Chosen by God to Serve

Written by Boyd Bailey

A surrendered life serves at the pleasure of Christ’s call!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 10, 2024

I [God] said, “You are my servant;” I have chosen you and have not rejected you. Isaiah 41:9

Visiting the Bible Museum in Washington, D.C., recently with my wife, Rita, and two of our grandchildren, Emmie (12) and Harrison (11), reminded me of the men and women God chose in the past to serve Him faithfully. From America’s founders and from the Scripture, we see individuals who are specifically selected by God to carry out His divine purposes. This concept is not merely an ancient one but is relevant for every believer today. Being chosen by God to be a servant is both an honor and a responsibility that shapes our identity and our mission in life.

In the Old Testament, we see God’s choosing of individuals like Abraham, Moses, and Esther. Each was called to a unique role that required faith, obedience, and a deep reliance on God. Abraham was chosen to be the father of many nations, Moses was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and Esther, a Jewish woman, becomes queen of Persia and risks her life to save her people from genocide. Their stories remind us that God’s calling is accompanied by His provision and empowerment. He equips those He calls, and He remains faithful to His promises.

Isaiah 41:9-10 encapsulates this beautifully: “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant;’ I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” These verses affirm that being chosen by God comes with His assurance of presence, strength, and support.

In the New Testament, Jesus exemplifies the ultimate servant of God. Philippians 2:6-7 says, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Jesus’ life and ministry were marked by humility, service, and sacrifice. He chose to serve rather than be served and ultimately gave His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). As followers of Christ, we are called to emulate His example of servanthood. In John 13, Jesus washes the feet of His disciples, demonstrating that true greatness in the Kingdom of God is found in serving others. He then instructs His disciples to do likewise, emphasizing that a servant’s heart is essential for those who wish to follow Him.

The Apostle Paul also speaks extensively about being chosen by God for service. In Ephesians 2:10, he writes, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” This verse highlights that each believer is uniquely crafted by God with a purpose. Our good works are not a means to earn salvation but a response to the grace we have received. They are the outflow of our identity as God’s chosen servants.

To be chosen by God as a servant means aligning our will with His, seeking His guidance, and walking in obedience. It requires a posture of humility, recognizing that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). It also involves a commitment to love and serve others, reflecting the character of Christ in all we do.

This calling can manifest in various ways in your daily life—whether through acts of kindness, sharing the gospel, or using your gifts to edify the body of Christ. Each act of service, no matter how small, contributes to the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Your calling by the Lord to serve is unique to you, your gifts, and your experiences. You will experience the pleasure of your heavenly Father as you love others on His behalf. Out of the power of the Holy Spirit working through you, you’ll find strength and enjoy a fruitful, flourishing life. A surrendered life serves at the pleasure of Christ’s call!


Lord, I am humbled by Your call to serve You. Strengthen me with Your Spirit, guide my steps, and fill me with Your love. Help me to serve others faithfully and bring glory to Your name in all I do. May my life reflect Your grace and truth. Amen.


Say yes to the next assignment where God calls you to serve.

Related Reading

Mark 10:45; John 13:12-14; Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10-11

Worship Resource

Jaxon Maverick Phoenix: He is Holy


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