January 6, 2025

Church Community

Written by Boyd Bailey

Love well, the Bride of Christ.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – January 6, 2025

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer… And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. Acts 2:42-47

Some of us are still trying to find a suitable church home after the cataclysmic disruption of COVID-19. Loss of interest, falling out of a routine, lazy living, or sinful distractions have all contributed to declining church attendance. Many of you reading these words are probably content with your Sunday worship experience. Still, for those of you lost in transition, let’s ponder some ways to reengage you and your family in a healthy community of Jesus’ followers.

The early church gives us a blueprint of how to experience meaningful community with other believers. They gathered to grow in faith, support one another, and live out the teachings of Jesus. Acts 2:42-47 shows their devotion to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Their meetings were joyful and united, praising God and witnessing His miracles. They gathered in homes and the temple, nurturing intimacy and reverence. Their genuine love and community attracted others to Christ, and the Lord added to their number daily. These gatherings were holistic, sharing life and resources to meet each other’s needs. They sold possessions to help those in need, modeling the generosity and selflessness of Jesus.

How does this inform our church gatherings today? John Stott gives us insight into how we are a spiritual family, “The Christian life is not just our own private affair. If we have been born again into God’s family, not only has he become our Father, but every other believer in the world, whatever his nation or denomination, has become our brother or sister in Christ.” Just as we are intentional in nurturing and growing our relationships with our family, intentionality is necessary to grow as brothers and sisters in Christ under the guidance of our loving heavenly Father. Similar to family dynamics at home, we will have challenges at church. But in patient love, we learn how to forgive, grow together, and, in the process, attract outsiders to the faith. 

Here are some questions to ask as you weigh your church involvement. How valuable is the church to Jesus, who gave His life for her? Ephesians 5:25-27. How would Jesus have you love His bride, the church? Revelation 19:7-9. How are you uniquely gifted in the Body of Christ?

Prayerfully consider the following practices as the Holy Spirit leads you in how and where to gather with other believers. Engagement in a church community starts with a willingness to connect and serve. Begin by attending regularly to build relationships and immerse yourself in the church’s culture. Introduce yourself to leaders and members, expressing your desire to participate. Join a small group or Bible study to deepen your faith and create meaningful connections. Explore volunteer opportunities, such as helping with children’s ministry, worship teams, hospitality, or outreach programs, aligning with your gifts and passions. Attend social events and fellowship activities to grow friendships. Pray for guidance in where God wants you to serve and mature. Consistent involvement strengthens your connection with the community and allows you to contribute to the church’s mission and vision. And in this process, you love the Bride of Christ well.


Lord, guide me to actively serve and grow in my church community. Help me use my gifts to glorify You, build relationships, and strengthen Your body through love and commitment. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Attend church this Sunday with your family or friends.

Related Reading

Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Galatians 6:10; Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Peter 4:10

Worship Resource

Charity Gayle feat. Ryan Kennedy: You Keep Your Promises


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