February 5, 2025

Created in Love

Written by Boyd Bailey

Love created you to be loved by your Creator.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – February 5, 2025

So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27, NLT

Love created you to be loved by your Creator. Saint Augustine portrays God’s affection for you, You [God] have made us for yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” This wise theologian punctuates how the Lord’s love is His ultimate motive for creating human beings. You are made by the Lord to be loved by the Lord. Sadly, the first human beings could not be content with intimacy with their Creator. Their pride desired more—to be like God. 

When Adam and Eve brought sin into the world through unwisely feeding their desire to be like God, there was a relational sever between them and their Creator. Martin Luther, God’s catalyst for the Reformation, helps us understand how the original image bearers gave away their good standing with their Creator. Luther viewed the imago Dei (image of God) as humanity’s original righteousness and capacity for a relationship with God, which was lost after the Fall but is restored through Christ. The first Adam lost Paradise, but the second Adam, Jesus, restored Paradise, starting with salvation on earth and eternity in Paradise with the Father, Son, and Spirit. 

Since you were created in love, you can experience the depths of perfect love through your Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Paul describes this relational dynamic as walking in love in Ephesians 5:1-2, he writes, “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Humble love seeks to imitate God as a beloved child by walking in the love Christ gives us in Himself. Pride takes this beautiful truth and twists it; to be like God is to know all and control all. However, walking in love gives up control to Christ and trusts that He knows all. Being created in love also means that, as His beloved children, we are uniquely equipped to create in love. 

As beloved children created in God’s image and love, we are called to create in love. God, the ultimate Creator, made us with the ability to reflect His creative nature. We mirror the Lord’s love and purpose when we create—whether it’s art, solutions, relationships, or environments. Creating in love means using our gifts selflessly to bless others, build communities, and honor God. It’s not about perfection but about intention—letting love guide our actions and creations. As recipients of divine love, we have the privilege of sharing that love through what we design, make, and do, becoming instruments of His grace and truth. Created in love to create in love.

Be bold and not shy about displaying the gospel in your life. Indeed, life is short, so don’t delay; be a creative lover on behalf of your Creator. Whether painting a picture, growing a business, fostering a friendship, or designing a welcoming space—echo His divine nature. My neighbor and good friend Bill is like this. His gift for woodworking always draws me closer to my Creator in how my friend is able to fashion wood into objects of affection: toys, the Lord’s Table and a lifelike wooden sculpture of a Native American. His giftedness glorifies God. Each creation becomes a tangible expression of God’s love, drawing others closer to His affections and truth.


Lord, thank You for creating me in Your perfect love. Help me reflect Your love in all I do, creating beauty, kindness, and hope that point others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Where is the Lord inviting you to create from a place of gratitude for His love for you? Consider relationships, work, or a hobby.

Related Reading

Genesis 9:6; Psalm 139:14; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10; James 3:9

Worship Resource

Noel Robinson & Philippa Hanna: Fighting for My Heart


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