October 4, 2024

Dressed Up For God

Written by Boyd Bailey

Place your trust in Christ by grace through faith.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 4, 2024

The king came in to meet the guests, he noticed a man who wasn’t wearing the proper clothes for a wedding. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how is it that you are here without wedding clothes?’ But the man had no reply. Matthew 22:11-12

My wife, Rita, and I recently hosted a couple’s wedding shower at our home. There were couples in the room who had experienced faithful marriages for many years, some for multiple decades, so we offered the gift of advice for their marriage. “Thank God each day for one thing you are grateful for about your spouse.” “Pray daily, asking the Lord to show you how your spouse needs you to love him or her that day.” “Always look for the good, especially when things are bad.” “Forgive generously.” “Have mentor couples you can be real with and humble yourself to seek Christian counseling.” What a gift! The gift of what I wish I had known and practiced when I was newly married. Wise words indeed that the young engaged couple took to heart. 

Jesus told the story of a festive wedding. In Jesus’s day, weddings were a big deal; some were celebrated over several days. Not everyone invited chose to attend, but the host gave those who did attend a wedding garment, so all in attendance were appropriately dressed to honor the bride and groom. Sadly, one guest who showed unwisely chose not to receive the gift of the wedding garment from the host. Jesus is illustrating our invitation from God for all to attend the celebration of His presence in His eternal Kingdom, which He has prepared for all who have faith in Jesus Christ. He adorns all His children in the wedding garment of salvation, who have put on Christ by grace through faith. God’s invitation to salvation is for all. Have you accepted?

What would be the advice of faithful followers of Christ about what they wished they had known before they placed their faith in Jesus and right after they became believers? “The longer you delay becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, the more time and energy you waste.” “Once you experience God’s love, you begin to truly understand your purpose, how you can best help yourself and others.” “Thank God every day for at least one of His many blessings in your life.” “After receiving Jesus, find another mature believer to help mentor you in the faith by memorizing scripture, worshipping at church, and serving others.” “As you begin to grow, pray for others you can invest time in helping grow in their faith.” Humility and wisdom put off the soiled clothes of unfaithfulness and are clothed in Christ’s love.

Jesus’ parable in Matthew 22:1-13 is a sobering reminder of the urgency of placing your faith in Christ. The king’s invitation to the wedding feast represents God’s call to salvation, extended freely to all. But only some respond. Some ignore the call, while others make excuses or reject it outright. Jesus is clear: there is no time to delay. God’s invitation is for today. You are called to respond now, not tomorrow. The guest without a wedding garment symbolizes those who think they can enter the kingdom on their terms, without true faith or repentance. But Jesus teaches that only those clothed in His righteousness can enter the kingdom. Placing your faith in Christ means turning from your sin, accepting His grace, and following Him. Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Jesus offers you a seat at His table—respond today with a heart of faith and obedience.


Lord Jesus, I come before You today, surrendering my life. I believe You died for my sins and rose again, offering me new life. I accept You as my Lord and Savior. Forgive me, guide me, and transform me to follow You all my days. Thank You for Your grace. Amen.


Pray today to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Tell someone.

Related Reading

John 3:16, 14:6; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:20

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