September 20, 2024

Encouraged to Encourage

Written by Boyd Bailey

You can know someone needs encouragement if they are breathing!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 20, 2024

There was Joseph, the one the apostles nicknamed Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”). He was from the tribe of Levi and came from the island of Cyprus. He sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles. Acts 4:36-37, NLT

Most of the time, people’s gifts reflect how they like to be treated. For example, I have the gift of encouragement. A warm smile, an affirming face, and a kind word are gifts I enjoy giving and receiving. A truism describes knowing if another needs encouragement, “If they are breathing, they need encouragement!” No one has ever complained to me for feeling overly encouraged! I like to picture being able to give the generous gift of courage, as I en-courage. En means to offer or provide. Yesterday’s courage may not be sufficient for today’s challenges. So, we can see with eyes of encouragement ways to love others by giving them the courage to face today with no fear. Courage is a gift that strengthens others to get through today and persevere.

Notice in the Acts passage how Barnabas expresses his encouragement through generosity. He sells a non-cash asset, real estate, that becomes cash so that he can support the ministry of the nascent church and its leaders. Generosity is a natural outflow of encouragement. Good gifts go directly to the heart with courage, hope, and gratitude. Barnabas’s nickname meant the Son of Encouragement, so who is the Father? Our heavenly Father is our ultimate Encourager who empowers and equips us to encourage through generosity. As with all of God’s gifts, we can give to others generously because He first gives to us. In addition, Barnabas offered strategic encouragement when he facilitated unity among the leadership; as differences arose, he found common ground and reminded everyone of the Lord’s more significant purpose. He valued all. 

Encouragement is a fruit of the Spirit that is generous, promotes unity, and stands up for others.

Start by allowing the Lord and others to encourage your heart so you can offer courage from the overflow of your heart. You need encouragement because life can be difficult, and challenges can weigh you down. Scripture reminds you that encouragement strengthens your faith and renews your hope. Hebrews 10:24-25 urges you not only to receive encouragement but to give it. We’re called to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” and to “encourage one another.” When you offer encouragement, you remind others of God’s promises, helping them stand firm in their faith. Your words and actions lift up others, empower your community of believers, and advance the Kingdom of God. You need encouragement to stay faithful, and others need you to be an encourager so they can keep moving forward in Christ’s love. 

Being an encourager doesn’t have to be complicated. You can start small in everyday life. Send a kind text to a friend going through a tough time. Offer a genuine compliment to someone at work. When someone shares their struggles, listen fully and pray for them immediately. In Colossians 4:6, Paul reminds you to let your speech always be “full of grace.” This means your words should uplift, not tear down. Look for opportunities to build others up, whether offering a helping hand, sending a thoughtful note, or speaking life over someone’s discouraging situation. Encourage others by celebrating their successes and reminding them of God’s promises. Your generous encouragement reflects Christ’s love and leads toward His love. Love encourages!


Lord, thank You for the encouragement You provide in my life. Help me to be an encourager to others, speaking words of hope, love, and kindness. Fill me with Your grace so that I may uplift those around me and reflect Your love through my actions and words. Amen.


Look for ways today to generously give someone the courage to carry on.

Related Reading

Proverbs 12:25; Isaiah 41:10; Romans 15:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Worship Resource

Stephen McWhirter: How Great Thou Art


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