July 31, 2020

Five Ways To Not Take A Vacation From God

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 31, 2020

They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer. Psalm 78:35

Different seasons of life call for different methods for me and my family to have God time during the summer. If I’m not careful, I can miss this 90 day window to grow deeper in my faith. I can become preoccupied with good activities and a disruptive schedule. Below are five ideas I use to be intentional in my personal walk with Christ and with our family so I don’t inadvertently take a vacation from the Lord. I disengage to reengage with Jesus.

Take the 30-day Proverbs Challenge

Proverbs is extremely practical around topics such as: relationships, money, wisdom, work and decision-making. Each day in my personal time with the Lord and at a meal with the family we read a chapter in Proverbs. Conveniently, this scriptural jewel on “How to Live Life” is divided into 31 chapters. So, if it’s June 27th each family member takes a turn reading from Chapter 27 and comments on its application to their life. Simply reading God’s word together as a family grows our faith. Applying the Bible keeps us from sin or sin keeps us from applying the Bible.

Have a Regular Conference Call

Your family may be spread out like ours has been. 15 years ago we started a monthly conference call with my first two son-in-laws—Todd and Tripp.  J.T. joined us 10 years ago and Tyler came on board 3 years ago. The call is an hour long and we each answer three questions: 1) What is the Lord teaching you? 2)What are you learning from your family? (I’m always very interested in how their wives are doing!) 3) What’s your biggest work challenge we can pray about? These regular calls have grown our sons-in-laws’ love for each other, their wives and their Savior Jesus. Fortunately, today everyone lives close by, so we are able to meet in person or have a Zoom call.

A Personal Retreat

Time away from my regular routine repurposes my priorities with the Lord’s. Life causes me to lose perspective, but focused time in prayer helps me regain it. Find a location conducive to prayer and reflection. A monastery, convent or retreat center are designed for quiet contemplation of Christ. Read, journal and be still before the Lord. Take a morning prayer walk or an afternoon nap and engage in evening worship. Retreat, so you can advance with Jesus.

A Weekend with Friends

Twelve years ago, seven of us began to meet at a friend’s mountain home for the weekend. Our purpose was to reconnect with each other and refocus on our heavenly Father. We all have Souly Business (a weekend men’s retreat) as our common experience. So, our annual weekend is a microcosm of our life changing experience at Souly Business—doing business on our soul. For seven years in a row we have celebrated God’s faithfulness and enjoyed each other’s company. Fellowship with friends soothes our soul, encourages our heart and feeds our mind, so hang out with friends.

Accelerate Giving

Summer vacations can cause us to skip good habits—like monthly giving. Added expenses become an excuse to put our financial generosity to church, missionaries and ministries on pause. Most faith-based organizations suffer a summer slump in donations—and in many cases it becomes a major distraction to serving others. Thus, we have an opportunity to not only remain faithful in our regular giving, but increase it. When we accelerate our giving we stand in the gap, so leaders can carry on for Christ. Enjoy a vacation, but not one away from God!

“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him” (Psalm 22:27).


Heavenly Father, lead me closer to my Savior Jesus as I enjoy the summer season.

Related Reading

Psalm 42:4, 77:3; Isaiah 46:9; Ephesians 2:12; Hebrews 13:7

Check out Boyd’s newest and well loved 40 day devotional book: Wisdom For Living

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