June 18, 2024

Following Jesus Leads to Life

Written by Shana Schutte

The path Jesus leads you on leads to life.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 18, 2024

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”  Luke 9:23

It’s a hard teaching but Jesus says that it’s impossible to be his disciple if we do not lay down our lives. This is so contrary to the world’s way—and to the human way—of thinking. Not only that, but the way of the world, the flesh, and the devil—which are clearly not of God (and are opposed to Jesus)—will lead you one way, and our loving Lord will lead you another. 

Therefore, we must lay down our worldly desires to follow Jesus. There is no other way. This may mean giving up the right to be offended, the right to have a comfortable life, the right to avoid persecution. We must choose each day who we will serve and who we will follow. We need to give Him authority over our lives. Our lives are not our own. We were bought at a price. They belong to him to do with as He pleases. 

Perhaps if you and I could sit and talk face-to-face with our loving Lord, this is what He would say about following Him: 

Everyone follows something or someone because I created you to follow. It’s not if you will follow; it’s that you will follow. The path I lead you on leads to life. The path the world, the flesh and the devil lead you on leads to destruction. 

I love you and I want you to experience abundant life and live with me forever. This can only happen if you follow me. This is the only way you can be my disciple. 

You must not only give me lip service and say that you know and love me. As you walk with me each day and follow me, you will demonstrate that you know and love me. 

Don’t fall into the trap of believing that my command to follow is filled with pain, struggle, and a complete lack of ease. In my presence is fullness of joy and my yoke is easy, my burden light. The devil, however, along with the world and the flesh, promise you joy and internal abundance but will only give you pain, sadness, and destruction. 

Don’t become discouraged. You will not follow me perfectly. There are times you will stumble. Through my perfect sacrifice on the cross, I have made provision for your imperfection and sin. Just stay close to me and I will take you into my Father’s Kingdom. You are my beloved child, my precious one. Come and follow me! Walk with me! I have so much beauty and life-giving truth to show you!

“And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:38-39)


Lord, I thank you so much that you do not ask me to follow you because you are a mean, controlling God. You want me to follow you because it’s what is best for me. You want to give me life and you want me to live with you forever in eternity! I am so grateful, Jesus. Thank you for showing me how to live. Amen.


Share what you read in today’s devotional with a friend or family member.

Related Reading

2 Timothy 1:12; Luke 14:26-27; Romans 8:13

Worship Resource

Chris Tomlin: I Will Follow


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