“Though we are fragile clay jars, we are made able to hold the light of God.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – February 6, 2025
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7, NLT
For years, if asked my favorite verse of the Bible, I would almost without exception respond with “2 Corinthians 4:6,” and I believe if asked today, my answer would be the same. From the first time I read it to this very moment, it is a verse that always serves to expand my view of the world and deepen my awe at the wonder and mystery of Jesus Christ. In a single verse, St. Paul connects the ordering of chaos in Genesis 1 to the ordering of the chaos that lives inside each and every human heart.
Genesis 1, through vivid and powerfully poetic language, tells a story with one main storyline: this world is not an accident but is the display of the creative power of a good and loving God who delights in his creation. The Lord looks upon the chaos of creation and speaks order, shining his light into the darkness. This is a cosmic truth that defines reality itself, and it is the very same light that is shone into our hearts “so we could know the glory of God.”
The glory of God that can be known is not an abstract or disembodied glory. It is not an impersonal light that warms the soul. No, the light and glory that was present at creation is known in its fullness in the face of Jesus Christ. This is a truth from which we never move on, nor will we ever fully appreciate. And even more remarkable is the fact that it isn’t simply a glory encountered as a fact of life or truth of the world, it is a glory that enters into our very being and makes us by grace what Christ is by nature.
As wonderful as this is, there is, of course, no room for boasting or pride. Paul reminds us that in and of ourselves, we are “like fragile clay jars,” easily broken and shattered by the sin that so easily unmakes us and tears us apart. Yet if we have the courage to live with humility and daily surrender to the will of God, though we are jars of clay, we can become jars that are made able to hold the light of God that has shown into our hearts, daily remaking us, restoring us, and reminding us that we are made to know him and be known by him.
Father, remind us that our weakness is not a source of shame, but points us beyond ourselves to the great power that can be known and the glory that is found in Christ Jesus, who fills our hearts with the light of his love. Amen.
Meditate today on the fact that your fragility and weakness is not a source of shame but is the means by which God shares his very life with you.
Related Reading
Psalm 36:9; John 1:5; 1 Peter 2:9
Worship Resource
Hillsong Worship: So Will I
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