December 4, 2022

Grateful for That Trial

Written by Shana Schutte

God will use your trials to prove His faithfulness.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 4, 2022

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

My father passed away in 2005. When he was alive, while he did the best he could, he had a habit that often hurt me: He made me feel like a burden. He often reminded my siblings and me how “expensive” we were. “You kids cost so much,” he would say. He was tight-fisted and ungenerous because of how he was raised. 

My father struggled with a lack of financial confidence . . . a poverty mentality that was passed down from previous generations. As a result, I inherited this generational lack of confidence too. So, as you can imagine, when I moved away to college without any financial resources or savings, my life was a train wreck.

Any unexpected need became a major crisis. If I needed new tires for my car, if I had a new bill arrive in the mail, or if I had to go to the doctor, it was stressful. Unexpected needs sent me into a panic. I was attending college full-time and working full-time making minimum wage. It just wasn’t enough.

I am so thankful that I came to know Christ as I entered college, and I was pressing into Him during my time of financial troubles. 

One evening, I was driving and conversing with the Lord. I felt as if I believed God for most things, but when it came to money, I didn’t trust that He would care for me. I cried out to the Lord with tears streaming down my face, “Why don’t I believe you will care for me? Why don’t I believe that you will provide for me?”

Immediately, my father came to mind. My dad did many things right, but his unhealthy relationship with money left a negative mark on me. 

However, as the Lord promises, He used my pain and trials to prove that He is my faithful, loving, Jehovah Jireh. The Lord used the lack I experienced from my earthly father to show up for me so many times I can’t count. I experienced miracle upon miracle all throughout my twenties and into my thirties as I worked my way through college and grappled with what God wanted me to do with my life. The Lord showed up time and time again as my faithful Father and cared for me. 

At the time, I was not thankful for these trials; they were painful. I was in unchartered adult territory I hadn’t been prepared for. But now, as I look back, I am so grateful for these struggles. They taught me how to press into Jesus and He used my trouble to reveal His goodness to me. My lack became the platform on which He stood to reveal His miracles and love. 

Perhaps you are in a difficult spot. Maybe you are struggling financially, you’re going through a divorce, or are experiencing heartache from your children. Whatever your trial, raise your hands and tell the Lord thank you. What you are going through today will be the very thing He uses to show you how much He loves you and how powerful He is.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).


Lord, I praise you for my trials. I praise you because through them you are going to show yourself faithful to me. You cannot walk away from me or leave me. You will use what I am going through for my good and to glorify yourself in my life. Thank you, Jesus! Amen!


Make a list of your struggles and thank the Lord for each one.

Related Reading

Psalm 136:1; Ephesians 5:20; Philippians 4:11

Worship Resource

Elevation Worship: Grateful


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