June 5, 2024

Grateful for Today

Written by Boyd Bailey

Foster a heart of gratitude, especially for the miraculous gift of life itself.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 5, 2024

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

God’s gift, daily bread. Every morning we wake up to a new day is a profound gift—an unmistakable sign of God’s grace and love. In Psalm 118:24, the Psalmist joyously proclaims, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” As followers of Jesus, we are encouraged to celebrate but also reminded to foster a heart of gratitude, especially for the miraculous gift of life itself. The famous Christian author, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, channels his near-death experience through a character in his book, The Idiot, when he reflects with profound gratitude: “What if I were not to die! What if life were given back to me—what infinity! I should turn every minute into an age, I should lose nothing, I should count every moment separately and lose none.” What an urgent reminder to cherish every minute as God’s gift of being alive today!

Often, our appreciation for the simplest blessings becomes magnified in the face of adversity or after a close encounter with mortality. Perhaps you’ve recently faced a life-threatening illness or a near-miss accident, and the reality of your survival has settled upon you with a weighty significance. In these moments, the gift of another day is not just a routine continuation of life but a special token of divine mercy—a reason for deep and abiding thankfulness. Gratitude for continued life is more than just a feeling; it is an active response. It invites us to live intentionally, embrace every opportunity to grow in faith, and express love and kindness to others. As we recognize that each day is neither promised nor owed, gratitude compels us to pray, “Lord, how can I use this precious time I have been given to reflect your love?”

Ephesians 5:15-16 advises us wisely: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” These words stir us to consider the quality of our daily walk through life. Are we using our time to foster relationships, to serve, to spread the gospel, and to give thanks in all circumstances? Living with such a purpose transforms ordinary days into extraordinary testimonies of faith.

Cultivating a grateful heart helps us to maintain a positive and hopeful outlook, even in difficult times. It shields us from bitterness and despair, renewing our spirits and strengthening our resolve to persevere. The practice of gratitude is not merely about being thankful for the big or obvious blessings—it involves acknowledging and appreciating the smallest gestures, the quiet moments, and even the challenges that refine us. Let us also remember that gratitude in Christ is not a solitary practice but one that connects us with others. It encourages humility and empathy as we recognize that the same grace that sustains us is at work in the lives around us. 

By sharing our stories of survival and thanksgiving, we offer hope and encouragement to those who might be struggling, reminding them and ourselves of the ever-present love of God that carries us through each day. As you step into today and each day hereafter, take a moment to look around and within you. Breathe in the new morning air, offer a prayer of thanks, and consider how you might be an instrument of God’s peace and joy in the world. For every day we are given is not just another day; it is a precious opportunity to live fully, love deeply, and give thanks endlessly. Let each new dawn remind you of God’s infinite love and mercy, and may your heart always be filled with joyful thanksgiving for the gift of every new day.


Heavenly Father, thank You for today. I am grateful for Your blessings, guidance, and love. Help me to embrace each moment with gratitude and to see Your hand in all things. Strengthen my faith and fill my heart with joy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


What is one way you can thank the Lord for today?

Related Reading

Psalm 118:1; 1 Chronicles 16:34; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Worship Resource

Rebecca St. James feat. Luke Smallbone: Dawn


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