July 15, 2024

Healing Grace

Written by Boyd Bailey

Trauma buried deep in the soul’s trenches requires an expert’s excavation.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 15, 2024

Yet it was I who taught Ephraim [Israel] to walk; I took them up by their arms, but they did not know that I healed them. Hosea 11:3, ESV

Followers of Jesus sometimes act like they have not been healed from the penalty of sin’s curse. Healed from condemnation. Healed from unforgiveness. Healed from shame and guilt. Instead of a humble confidence that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4), they mope around defeated with spiritually slumped shoulders. But God! But God, by His grace, has healed the brokenhearted and the sin-diseased soul. The precious shed blood of His son Jesus Christ is healing salvation for all who come to Him for healing and restoration. The Lord has bought you, the Lord has brought you back to Himself, and the Lord has taught you how to walk with Him. You may walk with a limp, but over time, His Spirit can help you leap with the joy of being emotionally healthy. What heart healing may yet to be discovered for your saved soul? 

God’s grace emerges as a healing balm for the wounded soul. The Bible assures us that God’s grace is a powerful force that brings restoration and renewal to His children. In Psalm 147:3, we find comfort in the words, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” We all have a tear in our hearts. God’s compassionate nature is a divine physician, tending to the fractures within our hearts. The healing process begins when we open ourselves to the transformative power of His grace. God’s grace operates not as a distant remedy but as a personal and intimate embrace. We receive this grace through faith, trusting that God’s love transcends our brokenness. The journey to healing starts with acknowledging our need for His grace and surrendering our pain to the One who promises to mend the shattered pieces of broken humanity.

Here are some practical steps to embrace God’s grace for heart healing:

As you yield to the grace of God, your brokenness becomes a canvas for His masterpiece of restoration. Just as a skilled artist transforms fragments into a beautiful mosaic, God’s grace works in your lives, creating a tapestry of healing and redemption. Embrace the grace that heals, and allow it to bring forth the beauty of a renewed heart. Love has more good gifts to give you. 

He sent His Word and healed them. And He saved them from the grave” (Psalm 107:20, NLV).


Heavenly Father, thank you for healing me by your salvation, your word, and your love through Christ’s love and in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Consider making an appointment with a professional Christian counselor to process your pain and seek healing for your heart and mind.

Related Reading

Exodus 15:26; Jeremiah 17:14, 30:17; Psalm 30:2; Matthew 4:23-24, 9:18-25

Worship Resource

Gateway Worship feat. Jessie Harris: Jesus Is My Healer


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