September 22, 2024

Hope for the Journey

Written by Pat Elsberry

Our comfort and strength are enhanced as we draw closer to Him.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 22, 2024

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

If you’re in the early stages of loss, please be encouraged that there’s hope for the journey. We are not meant to suffer through life alone but to lift one another up. It may not feel like it right now, but I’d like to share a few things I’ve learned. 

Grief has no specific timeline. Sure, there are some specific and often talked about stages of grief, but don’t be fooled like I was into thinking that once you made it through each stage, you could check it off like you’ve completed a test. It’s not like having an expiration date on a carton of milk. There just isn’t one. Grief becomes a part of who you are. It becomes woven into your everyday existence. Once I accepted this, peace entered my life once again. 

Grief will often make you question your faith in God. The question of “Why” can haunt you. And, honestly – would any answer be good enough for us? Although we may never receive an answer to this question on this side of Heaven, I’ve learned to trust in God. It’s what has made me see that in grief, there’s hope for the journey. Our comfort and strength are enhanced as we draw closer to Him.

Grief makes you more compassionate toward others. Before my daughter ran ahead to Heaven, I thought I was compassionate and caring. However, after she died, I realized there was still much more room for growth. People do and say things to you that simply make no sense. Now that I’m on the other side of the road, I remember saying, “She’s in a better place now. Or, these things happen for a reason.” Today, I cringe as I recall these words. Heaven is beautiful, but wouldn’t we all rather have our loved ones with us?  I’ve learned to extend a lot of grace as I’ve learned that people simply don’t know what to say. They don’t mean to inflict hurt – they don’t know any better. 

Grief makes you more intentional. In every facet of life, I have become more purposeful, which includes the invitations I accept and the people I choose to spend my time with. For instance, I’ve learned to prioritize quality time with my family and close friends, and to say ‘no’ to social events that don’t align with my values or bring me joy. I no longer worry about the small things because once the worst thing happened to me, I realized how much time we spend on the little things in life. It’s incredible how I can look back and realize how I was concerned about unimportant and even frivolous things. Loss makes you look at your life from a totally different perspective.

My friends, if today seems like a day when everything seems dark, just hold on. I promise you that there will soon be a day when the sun will shine in your life again. There are days when you will need to take it all moment by moment, but never give up. As we walk through loss, there is always hope for the journey. 

“May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you” (Psalm 33:22).


Lord, you alone are the center of my hope for all things. I will never be able to repay you for the gift of your son Jesus and how my hope is found in him.


If remaining hopeful is hard for you right now, let this be a reminder to be kind, gentle and patient with yourself.

Related Reading

Isaiah 40:31; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 15:13; Romans 12:12

Worship Resource

Steven Curtis Chapman: Don’t Lose Heart


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