October 12, 2024

In All Your Ways

Written by Tripp Prince

One of the greatest causes of anemic and underdeveloped faith is the failure to submit every area of life to the rule and reign of God.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 12, 2024

In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6, NIV

We live in a world of specialized expertise. There are surgeons for every part of the body, attorneys for every legal issue, and engineers for every technical challenge. Because of this, we are conditioned to defer to the experts in their given fields, yet the opposite is also true: if it isn’t their expertise, why would we listen to them? We don’t ask our cardiologist for advice on the stock market, nor do we call our barber for input on how to renovate a home. Thus, our lives are filled with dozens and dozens of people to whom we submit based upon their mastery of a given field. 

If we aren’t careful, we can treat the Lord as one specialist amongst many. 

One of the greatest causes of anemic and underdeveloped faith is the failure to submit every area of life to the rule and reign of God. Reflect upon the power of these words from Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Note this verse doesn’t say, “On Sunday mornings from 10am-12pm submit to him.” It doesn’t say, “In a moment of unexpected crisis submit to him.” Nor does it command us to submit to him “when it is convenient or aligns with our previously held convictions.” No, the heart of genuine, transformational discipleship is this: submit to God in all your ways

All of life is under the rule of God. He gives life and sustains our every breath. He is not one option amongst many, nor is he a “part” of a well-rounded life. He is life, and his kingdom is the lens through which every single part of our existence must be filtered. There is never a scenario or situation in which he is irrelevant or uninvolved. He loves us deeply and longs to walk with us through life’s valleys and mountain peaks. And not only walk with us, but if we will humble ourselves and take a step back, he will lead us into a more peaceful and glorious life than we could possibly imagine for ourselves.


Father, we long to know you and to be led by you into places of peace. Teach us to submit to your lordship in every single area of life, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Is your life of discipleship partial and incomplete? What does it look like for you in this season to submit to him “in all your ways?”

Related Reading

Matthew 6:33; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:6-7

Worship Resource

Brooke Ligertwood: Holy Song


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