August 26, 2024


Written by Boyd Bailey

Be influenced by the Lord to influence for the Lord.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 26, 2024

I urge you then, be imitators of me. 1 Corinthians 4:16

The term influencer has become a cultural phenomenon, carrying quite an influence! These days, influencers seem to become overnight experts when they reach a threshold of likes or followers that coronates them. Yet, did they really become an expert, or are they just good entertainers? Even more impressive is their ability to monetize their popularity through the promotion of products and services… clothing, shoes, makeup, and diets seem popular. Are influencers good or bad? Well, it depends. Are they influencing healthy or unhealthy lifestyles? 

And in reality, influencers have always been around; it’s just that social media has become an accelerator of their popularity. Trendy influencers grab the headlines, but what about the ones who have always been with us? Maybe we take them for granted. Their social media likes are few, but their influence is pervasive. Who are some of the influencers who have always been with us?

I think of parents, friends, teachers, communities, and churches as first responders who influence our lives. Their influence can be positive or negative, but they are influencers nonetheless. Parents can provide comfort, care, and instruction in the Lord’s ways, which is a foundational healthy influence. Yet, at the same time, a mom and dad’s personal pain and unhealthy influences in their lives can leave stains of hurt and shame on a child’s heart. A friend may be fun, but their ability to make wise choices is lacking; thus, they become influencers of foolishness. But the best friends are those who seek to imitate Christ and attract us toward the same life. Effective teachers bring out our best; less effective teachers lose our interest. They lack freshness and engagement, but the best are those who cause us to think and grow. 

In the opening Scripture, the apostle Paul addresses his influence in a humble manner. He is humble because he is pointing to the number one influencer in his life—Jesus Christ. Only because the greatest influencer who ever lived was his greatest influencer was Paul able to urge others to imitate himself. In essence, he was saying my only qualification as an influencer in your life is Jesus’ influence in my life. So, may I ask, is the One who has influenced billions and entire civilizations for the betterment of humankind your greatest influencer? Ask yourself these questions to gauge God’s influence in your life. Is prayer a common conversation I have with my heavenly Father? Is God’s Word my regular routine of nourishment for my soul? Is my life a reflection of love from being loved by the Father, Son, and Spirit? Are the fruits of the Spirit growing and thriving in my life? Stay focused on Christ as your #1 influencer, and you will become the best influencer for others to follow. Influenced by the Lord to influence for the Lord.

I love this quote from an anonymous Christian writer: “Live in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God will come to know God because they know you!”


Heavenly Father, guide my thoughts, words, and actions to reflect Your love and grace. Help me to inspire others by living a life that honors You. May my influence draw people closer to You, revealing Your truth and light in all I do. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


How can I grow Christ’s influence in my life?

Related Reading

Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 58:11; Romans 12:2; Philippians 4:8

Worship Resource

Hillsong Worship: New Wine


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