July 10, 2024

Intimacy Increases Influence

Written by Boyd Bailey

Intimacy with Jesus increases the influence of Jesus.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 10, 2024

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

The more Jesus increases in my life and the more I decrease, the more my enjoyment of God elevates. The more love increases and fear decreases, the more I am able to enjoy loving others in Jesus’ name. The more humility increases and pride decreases, the more I am able to enjoy serving others without expecting anything in return. The more mercy and grace increase and harsh judgment decreases, the more I am able to enjoy being generous with forgiveness, expecting the best of another. The more peace increases and worry decreases, the more I am able to enjoy bringing calm to chaos. The more trust in the Lord increases and self-reliance decreases, the more I am able to enjoy waiting on God’s best. Increasing Jesus and decreasing me makes Him the hero!

Increasing the influence of Jesus in our lives takes a lifetime and is only completed when we are with Christ in heaven. C.S. Lewis explained this to a friend who was fretting over wanting to see more spiritual progress in his life.

But you are expecting it (increasing Jesus, decreasing self) to happen suddenly: and also expecting that you should be clearly aware when it does. But neither of these is usual. We are doing well enough if the slow process of being more in Christ and less in ourselves has made a decent beginning in a long life (it will be completed only in the next world). Nor can we observe it happening.

Said another way, our salvation is sudden; we are born again as a child of God, but it takes a lifetime of working out our salvation as we become more like our Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus increases in us as we grow more intimate with Jesus. 

Indeed, intimacy increases influence. An intimate, trusted friend has an exponential influence over an acquaintance who only shows up occasionally. An intimate friend’s words carry the weight of wisdom. Intimacy leading to influence reminds me of a married couple who has remained faithful for years of life’s ups and downs, and instead of hardening their hearts, they have softened to the redeeming qualities of the other. So, a husband’s good quality of patience grows his wife’s patience, and the wife’s attractive attribute of compassion makes her man more compassionate. So is the influence of Christ on a beloved child who grows closer to understanding and appreciating the Lord’s generous graces to His loved ones. Intimacy with Jesus increases the influence of Jesus, so in time, your life will look more and more like His life.

In John 15:5, Jesus refers to Himself as the vine and believers as branches, emphasizing the vital connection for spiritual sustenance. As intimacy with Jesus deepens through prayer, reflection, and studying Scripture, you become more attuned to the mind and heart of Christ. This closeness creates a spiritual synergy wherein you begin to embody the values and virtues exemplified by Jesus. The influence of Jesus in your life expands beyond mere adherence to commandments; it becomes a living, dynamic inspiration shaping attitudes, decisions, and interactions. The Apostle Paul captures this essence in Galatians 2:20, expressing a profound identification with Christ: “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Thus, intimacy with Jesus is not only a personal communion but also a transformative process where the influence of Jesus becomes increasingly evident in your thoughts, actions, and relationships. A great man, John, said to the greatest man, Jesus, you must increase, and I must decrease. What a great prayer for you to pray and be influenced by this new year!


Heavenly Father, I pray your intimacy and influence will increase in my life and other competing influences will fade away through Christ’s love and in Jesus’ name.


Pray daily for Jesus’ influence to increase in your life through intimacy with Him.

Related Reading

Psalm 63:1, 119:105; Matthew 6:33; John 15:1-4; James 4:8

Worship Resource

VOUS Worship feat. DOE: More of You


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