October 5, 2024

It’s Going to Cost You

Written by Tripp Prince

In order to live, we must be willing to die.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 5, 2024

The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7, NIV

I was recently in a conversation with a friend, and as we were discussing the life of discipleship, he made a passing comment: “Christianity isn’t a healthy supplement that you work into your existing diet. It’s an entirely new way of eating.” Though simple at first glance, I’m convinced there’s profound wisdom contained within this insight. 

If our diets primarily consist of refined sugars and processed foods, the addition of a few carrots is helpful, but it doesn’t dramatically alter the quality of your health. Similarly, if our lives are built upon self-centered pursuits, vanity, and pride, a prayer here or a Bible study there, while always beneficial, will not result in the total transformation of body and soul that is on offer for those who follow Christ. 

I was recently talking with my pastor about the struggle of the Christian life and how, after all these years, it continues to be just that, a struggle. His comment in response was both surprising and illuminating: “Yes, it’s meant to kill you. And remember, things have to die before they can be resurrected. The cross comes before the empty tomb.” 

In order to live, we must be willing to die. This is the mystery of God’s kingdom, that through death we find life. As we starve off the parts of our lives that pull us down and leave us hollowed out, we create space that the Lord loves to fill with the gift of his presence. Darkness and light cannot dwell side by side, yet the light of Christ’s love drives even the deepest darkness away. The Lord longs for you and me to know life in abundance (John 10:10), and his abundant life is meant to fill every part of your life. 

The abundant life of God’s kingdom doesn’t simply mean that your “church life” is abundant, that you have a meaningful quiet time or community group. No, his abundance is meant to pervade every corner of your life! His abundance transforms your work life, your social life, and your interior life, which is known only to you. Each of these areas, and countless more like them, make you, “you.” And so, resist the fragmented and supplemental version of discipleship, and instead say “yes” to a life of complete and total devotion. It will cost you everything, but you will gain everything in the process.


Father, orient every aspect of our lives toward your kingdom, that in dying we may find our lives, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Matthew 16:24-25; Luke 14:27-28; Philippians 3:7-8

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