October 18, 2024

Limited Resources, Unlimited Resourcer

Written by Boyd Bailey

Our limitations are an invitation for divine creativity.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 18, 2024

Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share. Mark 6:41

Many days, I have to remind myself that I have limited resources, but the Lord Jesus Christ is my Unlimited Resourcer. You know the familiar story: Having retreated to a quiet place to rest with His disciples, the hurting crowds showed up to experience Jesus’s compassionate healing. And the Lord took the limited resources of five loaves of bread and two fish and, as the Unlimited Resourcer, fed five thousand men and thousands more women and children. Before His generous miracle, Philip and Andrew attempted to solve the hunger problem by suggesting that the people be sent away to find food for themselves. But Jesus! But Jesus showed them how to be resourceful and trust the Lord for a creative solution. Limited resources given to Jesus in gratitude and worship and broken and blessed by Jesus become an unlimited resource of love.

Jesus’ miracle of feeding the 5,000 underscores the importance of dependence on our heavenly Father. The disciples initially looked at their limited resources and doubted the possibility of feeding such a large crowd. However, Jesus demonstrated that when we bring our inadequacies to God, He can turn them into His sufficiency. Gratefully, our human limitations are not a barrier to God’s power, and dependence on the Lord is essential in every situation. We can bring our concerns, needs, and insufficiencies to God, trusting Him to provide. Our limitations are an invitation for divine creativity and an opportunity for us to glorify our Generous Provider.

On the hillside, covered with hungry faces, Jesus stands there with just five loaves and two fish. Not much, right? But in His hands, it becomes more than enough. He lifts His eyes to heaven, blesses and breaks the bread. Suddenly, what seemed scarce becomes abundant. Basket after basket is filled—thousands are fed. That’s how God provides, not in tiny, measured amounts, but overflowing, beyond what you could ask or imagine. Why? Because He loves you. He is the God of abundance, who sees and meets your needs generously. When you bring your “little” to Jesus, He blesses, multiplies, and turns it into “much.” Trust Him with what you have, knowing He delights in providing for His children with His unlimited grace, love, and material resources.

This reminds me of George Müller, the man with a big heart and little in his pockets. In 1836, Müller felt God calling him to open an orphanage in Bristol, England. But he had nothing—no money, no resources, just a conviction that God would provide. So, he prayed. Day by day, he trusted God with his limited means. Miraculously, food appeared at his doorstep, donations arrived unannounced, and the orphanage grew. By the time Müller passed, over 10,000 orphans had been cared for, all without him ever asking for a penny. His limited resources became a vessel for God’s glory. Müller’s story inspires us that when we trust God with our “little,” He can use it to accomplish far more than we ever imagined, impacting lives for generations. Lean into your Unlimited Lord with your limited resources and trust Him to accomplish much more than you could ever dream or imagine, “Beyond what you could ever ask or think,” all for His glory!


Lord, I bring my limited resources to You, knowing that You are my unlimited resourcer. Teach me to trust in Your sufficiency and not my own. Multiply my efforts for Your glory and use what I have, however small, to accomplish Your great purposes. I trust in You alone. Amen.


What is the little resource you need to give to Jesus for Him to multiply?

Related Reading

Genesis 22:14; Deuteronomy 8:3; Psalm 23:1; Matthew 6:31-33; Philippians 4:19

Worship Resource

Josh Baldwin: Prince of Peace


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