March 12, 2025

Living by Design or by Default

Written by Boyd Bailey

Limit your intake of outside voices, and you will more clearly hear the inner voice of the Holy Spirit.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 12, 2025

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16

My friend Tom uses a helpful phrase: You can live by design or by default. Living by design means trusting the Lord to lead you through life while taking responsibility for your life. You avoid blaming and complaining and instead are intentional and resourceful. Intentionality in defining your vision, mission, and values for life defines living by design. Living by default is the opposite approach, passive rather than active. Life happens to you instead of you engaging life. Choices are made out of habit or circumstance instead of being prayerfully pursued. You stay in a job or relationship out of comfort or fear without considering its alignment with God’s call. So, how do we start living by design, and what are some ways to avoid living by default?

Scripture addresses living by design, which means being very careful and wise in how you live. Living carefully involves being aware of the consequences of your actions and ensuring they reflect wisdom and godly principles. You guard your heart and mind from ungodly influences. A constant barrage of social media will mold your mind toward unrealistic expectations, leading to discontentment and distractions. Limit your intake of outside voices, and you will more clearly hear the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. Being careful and wise involves distinguishing what is genuinely beneficial from what merely appears appealing, and steers clear of actions that cause spiritual or emotional harm. Living by design embraces careful and wise decisions. 

One of my weaknesses is wanting the approval of others, which travels along the path of living by default. Approval becomes the guiding emotion to feeling valued, leading to decisions with a short-term feel-good about myself but a long-term trap of an unfulfilled purpose lacking peace. On the other hand, living by design longs for and rests in the approval of the Lord as the best motivation for wise decision-making. Living for the Lord’s approval means prioritizing His kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33). It means serving with an eternal perspective, knowing that a smile from Jesus matters more than earthly accolades. Remember to predetermine in your heart to obey the Lord when tempted to compromise your convictions. Love obeys God.

Living by design involves being intentional with your time, energy, and choices. Prayerfully clarifying your priorities—what truly matters to you? Write down your goals, whether big or small and align them with your values. Break these goals into actionable steps and tackle each one at a time. Utilize tools like calendars or planners to remain organized and focused. My son-in-law Tripp turned me on to Craft. Protect your time by saying no to distractions or activities that don’t align with your purpose. Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. 

Most importantly, seek the Lord’s guidance daily, trusting Him to direct your steps. Living on purpose isn’t perfect, but it’s intentional and fulfilling. Be assured that your life is divinely designed. God the Father laid the foundation, God the Son is your architect, and the Holy Spirit is your interior decorator. Your unique life is beautiful, inviting others in to be loved and to love.


Lord, help me live intentionally, aligning my life with Your purpose. Guide my steps, give me wisdom in my choices, and empower me to use my time and gifts for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Consider a planning tool like the document managing app Craft.

Related Reading

Micah 6:8; John 14:15; Galatians 1:10; Colossians 3:23-24

Worship Resource

Andrew Ripp: Loves Got A Way


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