“We live in God’s presence so we can better live in the present.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 27, 2021
After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Hosea 6:2
Live in His presence so you can better live in the present. His presence is a reality check. His presence is pure and it’s purifying. You cannot live in the presence of the Lord and not be changed. Christ is combustible. His expectation is Lordship over His followers. This is why we submit to Him each time we enter into His presence. His looming presence means He is Lord of our life. We could say that He is ever-present. Therefore, we are perpetually in His presence. So whether we acknowledge His presence or ignore it, He is still there. It is, of course, to our advantage to acknowledge the Almighty all the time, this can become the habit of our heart.
Always look for ways to continually and quietly crown Christ as the Lord over your life. It is in His presence that this comes to light. This is why you intentionally enter into His presence. You need the reminder more than He needs the recognition. Although it is a form of respect to regularly recognize the One you love most, come into His presence out of sheer love and respect, with no agenda but worship. The goal is to live in His presence so you can live in the present. His presence arrests your worries and locks them away so you can live in today. His presence purifies your heart and mind (1 Thessalonians 3:13). His presence comforts and encourages like none other. It is living in His presence that provides strength for your lifelong journey. His presence is where love lingers and holiness hovers.
In the presence of Jesus, your perspective is aligned with the Almighty’s. God is great at giving a gut check. Take the time to tarry with the Lord. Christ can keep you from insignificant commitments. His presence points to your spot in His will.
The presence of God is experienced positionally and volitionally. You know in your head that He is always present. But your heart must volitionally engage with Him in order for you to experience Him practically. Learn to practice His presence. Think about Him often. If men can think about sex every seven seconds, surely thoughts about their Savior can exceed this. Women tend to worry regularly. So a healthy habit is to send worry out the back door of your mind’s control, and invite the Lord in through the front door of your heart’s faith. He does “stand at the door and knock” (Revelation 3:20).
Live in His presence so you can live in the present. You stay tethered to eternity, but experience the moment. Live in the present, because this is where people live. You can help people live through another day when you lead them into His presence. Living in His presence is as much human as it is divine. It is as much vertical with heaven as it is horizontal with people. Live in His presence. After all, He is already there. So above all else, stay aware, alert of the Almighty’s precious and purifying presence.
Practicing His presence produces lasting relationships and right results. It revives and restores.
Lord, lead me to be aware of your love for me moment by moment throughout the day, through Christ’s love and in Jesus’ name, amen.
What worries do I need to release so I can be at peace in God’s presence?
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