February 7, 2025

Love in Creation

Written by Boyd Bailey

God’s love is in creation because He loves His creation!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – February 7, 2025

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1, ESV

Creation is a virtual love letter from the Lord proclaiming His glory and displaying His handiwork. Saint John of the Cross, a 16th-century poet and priest famous for The Dark Night of the Soul, offers a poetic expression of divine love as reflected through the beauty of creation. “The mountains, the solitary wooded valleys, the strange islands, the resounding rivers, the whisper of the amorous breezes, the tranquil night at the time of the rising dawn, the silent music, the sounding solitude, the supper that refreshes and [all] deepens love.” You know the feeling and awe of viewing the sea from a mountainside or laying on your back on green grass and being mesmerized by the puffy clouds against a baby blue canvas. Love captures you!

Creation is a divine exclamation point from your magnificent God. His divine masterpiece is an expansive, adventurous gift you can embrace, experience, and enjoy. Take just a few of His 400,000 flowering plant species globally, categorized under the scientific class Angiosperms. Close your eyes and smell the romantic aroma of a rose, used in perfumes and essential oils, and imagine how the love of your Beloved pursues you. The soft, sweet, and citrusy scent of peony, popular in bridal bouquets, brings to mind the faithfulness of your bridegroom, Jesus, to you, His forever bride. The lilac’s fresh, floral, and slightly spicy scent is associated with spring and renewal, exclaiming your new life in Christ through His resurrection power. Breathe in His love.

When was the last time you ate fruit from the Lord’s creation, and as you tasted, you celebrated His goodness? Psalm 34:8 is enticing: Taste and see that the Lord is good. Approximately 2,000–2,500 different types of edible fruits are cultivated and consumed worldwide. Mango, known as the King of Fruits, reminds you that King Jesus is the Lord over your life. Strawberries are a classic favorite with a sweet and slightly tangy taste, illustrating God’s sweet grace and sometimes tangy-tasting truth. Apples are crisp, juicy, and versatile, with flavors ranging from tart to sweet. An orchard of apples is like the vast landscape of a lifetime consistent with abiding in Christ’s love, which bears the fruit of the Spirit. Taste the Lord’s fruit and digest goodness.

What do you see when you gaze into divine creation? Of the 8.7 million species of animals on Earth, let’s consider four. A sparrow is a delicate bird under your Father’s care and concern. The majesty of an eagle calls forth your nobleness while you honor in your heart Almighty God, worthy of all praise and glory. The all-powerful lion ever lurking to conquer its prey, just as your sovereign Lord rules over dark jungles of life, battling evil on your behalf. Or, the tenacity of a tortoise calls out your perseverance to move forward by faith. See God’s animals and trust Him.

Your Creator gave you His creation so you could experience His love and know He exists. Look around, and you’ll see that God’s creation is a powerful testimony of His reality. Think about a flower’s intricate design or the night sky’s vastness—can such beauty and order really be a coincidence? Every sunrise, mountain peak, and ocean wave points to a Creator. Even the human body, with its complexity and precision, reflects divine craftsmanship. Nature’s harmony and balance aren’t random; they reveal divine wisdom and care. Next time you see a rainbow or feel the warmth of the sun, pause and remember—it’s all evidence of your loving Lord who made everything with purpose and for His pleasure, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure, they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11, KJV). God’s love is in creation because He loves His creation!


Lord, thank You for revealing Your love through creation. Help me see Your care in every sunrise, flower, and breeze. May I cherish and steward Your beautiful world with gratitude. In Jesus’ name, Amen


What are some ways for you to regularly experience God in His creation?

Related Reading

Psalm 8:3-4; Isaiah 40:28; Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16

Worship Resource

Phil Wickham: Creator


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