September 18, 2024

Made for More

Written by Boyd Bailey

You are created for selfless fulfillment to reflect Christ in all you do.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 18, 2024

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10, NLT

A healthy process in life is to ask ourselves from time to time, “What am I missing in my life and work?” And, to ask the Lord, “Heavenly Father, show me what you have for me. What have you made me for—that I need to embrace and develop for my life?” Let’s move from an adequate life we have learned to live with—to an abundant life that is more of God’s generous heart for us. As Paul states in Ephesians, when we grasp the truth that our Creator created (in Christ) good things for us to experience before birth, we are humbled and grateful that our good God has made us for more than we appropriate. The love of the Lord has made us for more—our part is to walk through the door of opportunity by faith. We know God is at work in us as He works through us.

The fruit of faith is good works, and as we walk with Jesus, we will walk resourced by the good works He has prepared for us. The beauty of our lives takes shape as we tap into what God has already prepared for us to experience. Our life journey of faith is a treasure hunt of discovering what’s valuable to God’s Kingdom and then sharing those treasures for all we meet to experience their Kingdom citizenship to the fullest extent. Not just random acts of kindness, but more! Experiencing a Holy Spirit-led, empowered life to be generous with God’s good gifts and graces. Total trust in God leads to total transformation by God to become His masterpiece. Each follower of Jesus is a divine work of art created with uniquely crafted brush strokes of love. A life knows it is made for more when there is a holy discontent to become more like Jesus Christ!

Each day, by faith, embrace and celebrate the truth that you are God’s workmanship, created for good works, as Ephesians 2:10 declares. Applying this promise shapes how you live each day. God intentionally designed you, molding you with purpose and potential. Your good works are not random but are part of God’s plan, set out in advance for you to fulfill. When you live out this knowledge, you recognize that your life has meaning beyond your goals—you are partners in the gospel. A Kingdom perspective encourages you to walk in faith, knowing that your actions will reflect God’s love and grace. Living with the transformation of being made for more allows you to be intentional about your good deeds, fulfilling the Lord’s purpose with joy and love.

You are God’s masterpiece, uniquely created for more than just living for yourself. You are designed for good works, but what do those deeds look like in daily life? First, serve and love others intentionally. Look for opportunities to help—whether it’s volunteering, offering an empathic ear, or giving time and money to someone in need. Second, live on purpose. Align your actions with God’s calling on your life. Pray and seek the Spirit’s discernment on how to invest your life in His Kingdom. Lastly, lead with love. No matter how small, each act of kindness reflects God’s work in you. You are made for more than self-fulfillment—you are created for selfless fulfillment to reflect Christ in all you do, blessing others through your life. Made for more by God to bring glory to God by your good works that He created! A God thing indeed!


Dear Lord, I thank You for creating me as Your masterpiece, designed with purpose and love. Help me to walk in the good deeds You’ve prepared for me. May my life reflect Your grace, and may I live each day serving others and glorifying You in all that I do. Amen.


What area of your life needs alignment with the Lord’s purpose for you?

Related Reading

Matthew 5:16; Colossians 1:10; Hebrews 10:24; Titus 2:14

Worship Resource

Josh Baldwin feat. Jenn Johnson: Made for More


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