December 17, 2022

Marvel in Silence

Written by Tripp Prince

If you are rarely silent, there’s a high likelihood that you are rarely humble.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 17, 2022

And they were not able in the presence of the people to catch him in what he said, but marveling at his answer they became silent. Luke 20:26, ESV

In our modern age, our Lord Jesus has many “mouthpieces,” with people freely speaking in his name or acting as authoritative sources of truth or interpretation on this or that topic. All you need is a microphone and an internet connection and away you go! And while this new explosion of content and education is both exciting and often enriching, if we’re honest, the sheer volume can be both overwhelming and exhausting. Rather than teaching or inspiring, sometimes it can feel like noise that needs to be silenced. 

Though lacking YouTube and podcasts, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were still quite connected and engaged in theological discussion. Jesus’ ministry had created no little unrest, and the scribes and priests were abuzz, each convinced of the certainty of their interpretation of the law of God and what was best for their community. Simply put, in their minds, Jesus was a threat that needed to be eliminated, and so they devised a theological “riddle,” meant to catch him in his own words. 

They came to Jesus with abstract beliefs and positions on the relationship between “church and state,” yet what they found was the living presence of God. They were ready to debate and discuss but were instead left in awe and wonder. In truth, this is the only outcome of any real encounter with God.

If our religious reflections or theological questions only lead to more discussions and debates, there is a high chance that we’ve encountered something other than God. Yet if our surety leads to silence, it may be that we have encountered that which is truly transcendent. Our ideas about Jesus leave us largely as we were before, yet life in his presence stops us in our tracks and reorders reality.

Silence is an essential component of a humble life. Let me say it again. If you are rarely silent, there’s a high likelihood that you are rarely humble. Silence creates space for others in your life, welcoming their voice and perspective into your world and allowing it to shape and mold who you are. Yet most importantly, silence moves us deeper into the mystery and wonder of Jesus Christ, transforming our thoughts and ideas about God into a holy place of encounter.


Father, teach us to be silent, that we may be transformed in the presence of your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Integrate intentional moments of silence into your day today, creating space to listen to God and be changed by him.

Related Reading

Psalm 46:10; Psalm 62:5; Proverbs 17:28

Worship Resource

Holy City Hymns: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence


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