September 3, 2024

No More Condemnation, Shame, or Regret

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 3, 2024

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1, NLT

Okay, so you made a mistake. You sinned. You blew it. If you’ve felt guilt over what you have done, if you’ve been plagued with shame, be encouraged. God has a way out. You don’t have to stay stuck in the past in condemnation, shame, or regret. 

I believe in biblical counseling. I believe there is a place for talking about what has happened in our lives with someone who is wise (see Proverbs 24:6). However, there are times when it’s time to stop talking around what happened and identify the real reason we are stuck in the past. In fact, perhaps we don’t need to talk about or process what happened one more time. Let me explain. 

I was triggered repeatedly over the years, feeling trapped in the past because of my sin. Someone I loved and hurt, told me that I was a horrible person. They said awful, condemning things to me. They didn’t mean to hurt me; they were hurt because I hurt them—and their pain was justified. After I had wounded them, I felt so ashamed that I cried an ocean of regretful tears for years. 

No matter how much I tried to fix what happened, no matter how many times I apologized, groveled, or asked for forgiveness, it wasn’t enough. So, I wore a mantle of shame. I felt the only answer would be if I could “go back there” and fix what happened—and if the other person would only extend forgiveness to me then I would be okay. But that never happened. I talked to counselors but what I thought I really needed, reconciliation and forgiveness, never happened, so I stayed stuck.   

But then one day the Lord brought a revelation to me: I didn’t need to keep talking about it. I didn’t need to go back and fix anything. I didn’t need the other person’s forgiveness, even though I would have loved to have it. But what I did need to do was to accept what happened and what I couldn’t change, and I needed to recognize the true reason why I was stuck.

Unlike I assumed, I wasn’t stuck because I couldn’t go back and fix what happened. I wasn’t stuck because the other person hadn’t extended forgiveness to me. And it wasn’t because I hadn’t found a missing puzzle piece that would finally make it all make sense by revisiting the past. 

Instead, I was stuck in guilt, regret, and shame because I kept allowing the Adversary into my life through the door of condemnation. I kept believing his lies. And every time I did, I would go into a mental spin (sometimes for days) and regret what happened one more time. This cycle happened numerous times over thirty years. 

What I needed to do was accept my identity in Jesus as a deeply loved, completely forgiven, redeemed, blessed and a highly favored child of God. I needed to believe the truth that God’s favor follows me all the days of my life and that no matter how I fail, the Lord will never stop working to do good for me. I needed to believe He is always willing to bless me and that nothing in the past can hold me back from His favor. 

The devil, who is the Accuser, wants to keep throwing what happened “back there” up in your face. He wants to keep you trapped in condemnation, shame, and regret so you can’t ever be free. He wants to rob every good thing the Lord wants to give you, including your joy. He wants to steal your today and all your tomorrows by making you focus on your sin. He wants to tell you condemning lies such as, “You ruined your life.” “If it wasn’t for what you did, then you could be happier.” “There are no second chances.” “You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.” 

If you can relate to what I have said, I am so sorry you are hurting. Emotional pain can be so difficult. But I also want to rejoice with you. Jesus wants to set you free! If you suffer from guilt, regret, or shame and you have repented, it’s time to accept that you’re forgiven, that God still wants to bless you, that He redeems all things (even your sin) and that you are loved more than all your “I’ve blown it” moments, no matter what anyone else, your own thoughts, or intrusive thoughts tell you. 

Don’t allow the devil to keep beating you up with lies. He likes to maximize sin and get as much mileage out of it as he can. It’s time to say, “Satan, will not use this sin against me one more time! I am highly favored! The Lord has good stored up for me! I am forgiven! I am His highly favored child! There is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus. So, take that!” 

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:18-19).


Lord, I receive your forgiveness and I reject condemnation that does not come from you. How I love your kindness to me. You are the answer for everything I need and every problem I have. I love you, Lord. Amen. 


Write a note to Jesus and share with Him about what you learned through this devotional. 

Related Reading

2 Corinthians 5:17; Revelation 12:10; Isaiah 46:9

Worship Resource

Anthony Evans: No Condemnation


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