June 1, 2024

Not My Own Will

Written by Tripp Prince

Jesus submits his will to the Father and invites us to do the same.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 1, 2024

I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me. John 5:30, ESV

Our culture is mesmerized by the so-called journey of “self-discovery,” spending one’s life seeking to discover what makes them personally happy, satisfied, and fulfilled. And while there may be some truth and benefit to this, there is one glaring problem that it presents: you and I become the stars of our own story! Every other person thus becomes a supporting actor in the drama of your life, and this is the filter through which you make countless decisions about where you live, what you will do with your time, and who you will spend it with.

Most damagingly, this mindset can extend to our life with Christ! Instead of willingly submitting to him with the heart of a servant, we seek to retain our leading role, seeing him instead as a repository of wisdom that can be called upon and explored when needed, yet quickly dismissed if we don’t like what we hear or want to explore alternative options. 

Jesus invites us by his own example to walk a different path. If ever there was a story that deserved a single character at the center around which everything else is built, it was and is Jesus Christ. Yet even he does not claim autonomy and individual glory, running off with the story and leaving others trying to catch up. No, listen to his words in John 5: “I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me” (John 5:30).

Jesus submits his will to the Father and invites us to do the same. The love of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Spirit – is the singular story from which every other story finds its meaning, the sun around which every planet orbits. Let us let go of the delusion that we are the central players in the stories of our lives and, instead, discover the wonder and delight that comes from joining into the cosmic story of love and redemption that the Lord has been speaking over his creation for all eternity.


Father, set us free from the emptiness of self-love, instead liberating us to enter into the joy of finding our place in your great story, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


What practical steps can you take today toward submitting your will to God’s will for your life?

Related Reading

Matthew 26:39; John 4:34; John 6:38

Worship Resource

Hillsong UNITED & Lauren Daigle: I Surrender


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