October 7, 2024

One Greater Than David

Written by Boyd Bailey

God can use your weaknesses to make you strong.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 7, 2024

David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Samuel 17:45

David looked weak compared to the giant Philistine that he faced. Yet, David was strong in his weakness because he came in the name of the Lord. God made him a giant killer. Otherwise, he would have been killed and just another footnote in the history of civilization. David was a shepherd the Lord called to be a warrior, who was available to be God’s living sacrifice in this grand moment of being conquered or set free. David pointed to one greater—Jesus: who would be the great Shepherd who loves and leads the people, who, at the end of His early life, would submit to His Father’s heart to be the world’s Savior. Jesus faced down the giants of sin, sorrow, and death so we could be set free by believing in His sacrifice for us. Jesus was the One greater than David.

Sometimes, I forget that my ongoing weaknesses are, in fact, the very reason the Lord is able to be strong through me. Where I make my most mistakes is in the days I battle from a position of perceived strength when, in reality, I am fighting a self-defeating battle. I may think I am winning a life skirmish here and there, but my illusion only delays my proper understanding of defeat. But when the Spirit fills my life, and I submit my weaknesses of pride and self-reliance, the Lord can trust me with His humility and wisdom. As Paul reminds me, it’s in my weakness that I am made strong, and in my own strength, I am made weak. Remembering God’s faithfulness in delivering me from sin and death positions me for His deliverance today. 

God doesn’t need you to be perfect or strong on your own for Him to work powerfully in your life. In fact, He often uses your weaknesses to show His strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” When you bring your weaknesses to God, you acknowledge your need for Him, allowing His power to shine through your imperfections. He transforms what seems inadequate into something beautiful for His glory. Your weaknesses don’t disqualify you—they qualify you for His grace and strength. Trust Him to use your struggles and shortcomings as opportunities for His power to work through you, making you strong in ways you couldn’t imagine. Submit your weakness to God’s strengths. 

God can use your weaknesses in powerful ways to make you strong. First, He teaches you humility, reminding you that His strength sustains you, not your own abilities. When you face struggles, you learn to rely on Him more deeply. Through your weaknesses, God refines your character, building endurance, faith, and perseverance. He also uses your story of overcoming to encourage others who are struggling. When you surrender your weaknesses to God, you open the door for His power to work through you, transforming areas of struggle into testimonies of His grace and strength. Trust Him to turn your weaknesses into opportunities for His glory. Consider, as Charles Spurgeon teaches, prizing your weakness as making room for divine strength, “Our weakness should be prized as making room for divine strength. We are never so strong as when we feel that we are weak.” Like Jesus, your weaknesses are God’s weapon to defeat all enemies!


Lord, I come before You, acknowledging my weaknesses. I surrender them to You, trusting in Your power. Let Your strength shine through my frailties, and use my struggles to grow my faith. Help me rely on Your grace, knowing that in my weakness, You make me strong. Amen.


Say your weaknesses aloud and submit them to God’s strength.

Related Reading

Exodus 15:2; Psalm 73:26; Isaiah 40:29; Philippians 4:13; Ephesians 6:10

Worship Resource

Phil Wickham: Battle Belongs


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