July 31, 2019

Patient Endurance

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 31, 2019

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.   Revelation 13:10

Patient endurance is not easy, but many times it is necessary. If you change jobs every two years, ten times in a row, you do not have twenty years of work experience. You have two years of work experience in ten different places. So, make sure that you learn what God intends for you to learn where you are, before you move on. This is one of Satan’s ploys. His desire is to keep you reactive to life, accompanied by a shallow faith.

Your faith has the opportunity to go deep when you stay somewhere for a while, but your faith remains shallow when you run from resistance. Resistance is a faith builder. When you are pressed against by life (what sometimes seems from all sides), you have the opportunity for growth. This is where patient endurance can serve you well. Patient endurance says that I will stay in this marriage, because it is for better or for worse. I will allow God to change me for the better, and I will trust Him to do the same for my spouse over time.

“Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:3).

Patient endurance is illustrated throughout the Bible. Jesus patiently endured the cross. He patiently endured His critics and, ultimately, He more than restored His reputation when He proved His claims by His resurrected life. David patiently endured the fallout from his adultery and murder. He had pushed himself to the point of totally turning his back on God, but ultimately, he turned back to God and became a broken and humbled leader. Hannah patiently endured her inability to bear children. Her faithfulness to God during barrenness was a testimony of encouragement to friends, family and a nation. Her womb was empty, but her faith was pregnant with God possibilities.

Do not confuse procrastination with patient endurance. Patient endurance is active and productive. It is not misguided, apathetic or irresponsible waiting. It is daily depending on and seeking God for His best. Therefore, patiently endure for God’s sake and for the sake of others. Heavenly rewards await those who patiently endure. Use your influence to help others patiently endure their situations. Faithfulness, when you don’t feel like it, is evidence of a maturing faith. You may be on the verge of experiencing God’s very best. Patient endurance pays off!

“You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about” (James 5:11).


Heavenly Father, I trust You as I wait on You in hopeful anticipation of doing Your will.


How can I grow my patience in affliction, so I can be a blessing to those around me for Jesus’ sake?

Related Reading

Acts 14:22; Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:32, 36; Philippians 1:29; James 1:3-4

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Faithfulness, when you don’t feel like it, is evidence of a maturing faith. #WisdomHunters #patientendurance #Jesus

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