March 22, 2025

Ponder His Love

Written by Tripp Prince

It is impossible to ponder one thing when you are consumed by everything.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 22, 2025

Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord. Psalm 107:43, NIV

In the words of the psalmist, one of the wisest things you and I can do is “ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.” In Scripture, “ponder” is a powerful word. It means to understand, to see, to pay attention, to consider, to examine. And in order to do any or all of these things, patient attentiveness is the foundational virtue that is required.

It is impossible to ponder one thing when you are consumed by everything. Multitasking doesn’t work in any part of your life, from household chores to work projects to cultivating a living relationship with the Lord. If our lives of prayer, devotion, and study are one of a dozen things that simultaneously fill our minds and occupy our hands, we will always struggle to grow in wisdom. 

Pondering the Lord’s love requires our complete attention and focus on the one thing that matters. As Jesus told Martha, “Few things are needed–or indeed only one” (Luke 10:42). We cannot sit at the feet of the Lord when our hearts are consumed by countless distractions and anxieties. Yes, we can certainly bring them to him and place them at his feet, yet it is our undivided attention that he longs for, the whole of our lives oriented in a single direction. 

When you pray, do not simply offer lip service to the Lord. Bring the whole of yourself into his presence. Quiet your mind and steady your spirit. Remember that you are in the presence of God himself, the one who sustains your very breath and upholds your every moment. Offer him the gift of your heart set fully upon him, for in truth, it is the one thing that he wants from us, and it is the only thing we have to give.


Father, teach us to be still and attentive to the whisper of your Spirit. We long to sit at your feet and learn the way of wisdom that comes from pondering your loving deeds, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Take a few minutes today to silence every distraction and simply rest in the presence of the Lord with your heart fully turned toward him.

Related Reading

Psalm 77:11-12; Psalm 111:2-4; Psalm 145:5-7

Worship Resource

David Funk: Center


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