October 20, 2024

Positioning Yourself to Hear from God

Written by Pat Elsberry

We need to fix our eyes on God, and that may even mean adjusting your physical position.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 20, 2024

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

There are times in our walk with the Lord when we are so finely tuned into the Holy Spirit that we can hear his whisper without question. Then, there are seasons in life when all is quiet. We are left wondering if God has abandoned us. But remember, friends, God never leaves us, even during the silent times. His constant presence is our reassurance. 

Even if we are in a busy season and aren’t reading his word and filling up our tank like we need to be, he is always there. Perhaps you’ve slipped into a habit of picking up your phone first thing in the morning and checking out your social media feed before giving your Heavenly Father a “Good Morning, Lord.” If this is the case, maybe it’s time to reposition yourself. We must fix our eyes on God, which may even mean adjusting our physical position. 

You can start by spending those first few moments of the day inviting Jesus to be with you. He left us with his love letter, the Bible, an excellent way to hear from him. However, if you find your eyes glazing over every time you pick it up, ask God to open your eyes. David asked God to open his eyes to understand the scripture; he can do the same for you. If you’re having trouble understanding the word, find a translation you can relate to. So many options today allow us to better comprehend God’s word. Remember, your spiritual practice can be flexible and adaptable to your needs. 

Carve out a space to hear from God clearly. Find a quiet space in your house where you can have a few uninterrupted moments before the rest of your household awakens. I love sitting outside on our back deck, listening to the sound of nature. I go out there most early mornings with my Bible, journal, and a devotion or two in hand. I don’t always get to read each one, but they are available to me as the Holy Spirit directs. 

I know some busy moms and dads are raising young families. I remember these times so well. You may not have the luxury of sitting outside each morning for quiet time. God understands these seasons of life. You may have 10 minutes between school drop-off and driving to the office. Use this time to talk to your Heavenly Father. He loves us so much that he longs for us to speak to him, and this allows him time to talk to us as well. We can practice the presence of the Lord throughout the day. We meet up with him as we carry on with our day. Although my children are older now I still treasure the alone time as I’m driving and have the best conversations with him . If you’re pressed for time, give it a try. He will meet you right where you are.

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (Jeremiah 33:3).


Father, thank you for always being by my side. Even when life is busy help me keep you a priority – even when that means taking you with me as we talk in the car, while driving here and there.


Think about how you need to reposition yourself, whether physically or mentally to hear from Jesus each day.

Related Reading

Psalm 85:8; Revelation 3:20; John 14:26; Hebrews 4:12

Worship Resource

MercyMe: Word of God Speak


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