“There is nothing and no one more beautiful than Jesus.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – January 7, 2025
I want to know the Messiah—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Philippians 3:10
There are times when we wonder why earthly suffering happens to us or to those we love. We wonder why we must endure deep pain when we just want it all to go away.
The first phrase that comes to mind is “intimacy with Jesus.” I know. This phrase can seem small and cheap. I’ve been there. Worldly comfort, a Western way of thinking, a worldly mindset and the devil’s hardening of hearts can cause us to be blinded to the value of intimacy of Christ.
But it is also equally true that deep trials that bring us deeper to our knees, deepen our faith and cause us to realize that we are completely and utterly dependent on Him. This creates precious, unequaled intimacy with Him. This dependence on Christ is often not something we often appreciate or something we even desire. This is because a focus on the world and its comforts can appear to have more gold in them than the tenderness of Christ.
But when we get glimpses of the preciousness of intimacy with Jesus; when we receive His deep love for us during our trial through the power of the Holy Spirit, somehow we cry out how grateful we are for going through our deep waters. It’s in those times that tears of gratitude flow that we weep, “Jesus, I love you with all my heart!” And, we recognize there is nothing in this world that holds more value and sweetness than intimacy with Jesus.
It’s as if when we go through trials, we are hiding in a foxhole catching fire and the only One in there with us is Christ. We are left clinging to Him, utterly dependent on Him for results we cannot control. As He holds us, protects us, guides us, shields us and provides all our needs, every moment our love for Him grows as we sense and personally know in a deepening way His tenderness toward us.
“We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
These are words I would not have truly understood until I stood in my own rushing waters or in the fire. I would have read them; I would have heard about them but until they had been pushed into me through very real pain that I valued Jesus and relationship with Him more than I ultimately valued my own life. This doesn’t mean during trials that I never rail against His plans. It doesn’t mean I always want to lay down my life. It doesn’t mean that my flesh is always comfortable. But it does mean that He is transforming me and using my trial to purify me and make me want Him—and intimacy with Him–more than what I want.
“And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me’” (Luke 9:23).
The Lord’s greatest command is to love Him more than anything else the world, the flesh or the devil has to offer, not because He is a mean God, but because He loves us that much. This is one of the reasons for suffering. He wants to push us deeper into His love. May we all know the preciousness of intimacy with Jesus that washes over our hearts and brings us great joy. There is nothing and no one more beautiful than Christ and there is no one He loves more than you. He loves you as if there is no one else to love.
“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in the Messiah, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast” (1 Peter 5:10).
Lord, when I go through trials, help me to sense your love and that you are drawing me to your tender heart in a very real way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Are you going through a difficult trial? Thank the Lord for it, ask Him to use it to draw you to Himself and thank Him for His deep love for you.
Related Reading
James 1:12; Romans 5:3-5; Philippians 1:21
Worship Resource
David Funk feat. Matt Redman: Son of Suffering
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