August 28, 2024

Pressing Toward Christ

Written by Boyd Bailey

Jesus followers are apprehended by God to be set free by God to live for God!”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 28, 2024

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12, KJV

The Olympics are such an inspiration. Watching these world-class athletes come together after thousands of hours of preparation and pressing toward excellence in their field motivates me to do the same. Hearing their stories—how they overcame adversity in life or how they used their opportunities to serve others by volunteering in a health clinic after a day of grueling training to help the needy and forgotten—is deeply moving. It’s sobering to reflect on the intensity of my commitment to the Lord compared to their commitment to becoming the best in their discipline. Pressing toward perfection is a lifetime pursuit that keeps us focused on faithfulness.

So, what does it mean to press toward Christ in a way that moves us toward His perfection?

Paul uses a very helpful word to guide us toward Jesus’s heart in a manner that honors Him and transforms us: apprehended. To apprehend means to seize, to take control of, as well as to understand and conceive. This imagery reminds me of the idea of being held captive by Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5-6). Thus, to be apprehended by Jesus is to first surrender to Him—surrender my self-reliance, my dreams, and my desires, and then discern by the Holy Spirit how He wants me to press forward by faith. I saw this in the lives of the Olympians as they were apprehended by the reality of injuries, illness, and competition; those who remained faithful experienced the fruit of surrender. Reminiscent of a track star who somewhat lamented, “I am full of joy, even though this was not my Olympic dream.” Full of joy, even though an illness did not allow him to perform at his highest levels. Faith and love press forward through adversity.

How do we know if we have been apprehended by Christ Jesus and that we have apprehended Christ Jesus? When we came to faith in Jesus, we surrendered and were apprehended by His love. Out of our surrender, we became servants of King Jesus, loving and worshipping Him alone, even willing to lay down our lives for Him and for others we love. Bought with the price of our Savior’s precious blood, we are now owned by God Almighty to be set free. Charles Spurgeon explains, “Since our salvation, we have always felt that grip, just as Paul ever felt himself in Christ’s grasp. We have never gotten away from that one arrest. It was not the work of a few minutes and to be remembered, but to be then ended and all over. No, at this moment, we feel the same divine hand upon us. We are prisoners, this day, unto Christ, who alone has set us free by capturing us.” Out of love, we are apprehended by God to be set free by God to live for God!

Jesus apprehends you to become His, and you apprehend Jesus to become like Him. Glory be, as the old preacher used to say! You received the life of Christ when you gave your life to Christ. Now you can apprehend being beloved by God because the Beloved now lives within you. Your life is hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3). His abundant life is yours to enjoy. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the character your life can flourish in and become. Seize by faith all the good gifts your heavenly Father has for you, and you will experience life that is truly life.


Lord Jesus, I seek to know You more each day. Help me press on, leaving behind distractions and sins. Strengthen my heart to pursue You with unwavering faith. Guide my steps so that I may grow closer to Your love, truth, and grace. I surrender all to follow You wholeheartedly. Amen.


How can my life look more like I have been apprehended by God and how I have apprehended His good gifts for me?

Related Reading

1 Corinthians 9:24; 1 Timothy 6:12,19; Hebrews 12:23

Worship Resource

Chris Tomlin: Holy Forever


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