September 27, 2024

Prior Planning

Written by Boyd Bailey

Faithfulness is starting strong and finishing strong.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 27, 2024

But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. Luke 14:28-29, NLT

For the past eight years, our Georgia NCF (National Christian Foundation) team of seven has gathered for an offsite meeting each August to prayerfully plan the upcoming year. Maureen is our point person, ensuring everyone’s input is received and an agenda is drafted. She and I discuss, and then we think and pray more to ensure we follow the Spirit’s lead. Over the years, there have been the common themes of spiritual enrichment, relational connection, and operational planning. An essential item is defining one central area of focus for the upcoming year. Once we agree on our strategic direction, we share the financial investment areas required to support the objectives. So, after three days, we leave with a collaborative plan and a budget to support its execution. We all agree that it’s not a perfect plan but a strategic direction we can modify as needed. I am learning that God can bless a mess, but He usually blesses a plan!

Jesus tells the story of counting the cost before the construction of a building. Otherwise, He says, you may lay the foundation but need more money to continue, and you will be ridiculed for lacking a proper plan and the resources to complete the project. Jesus is illustrating the reality of following Him. To persevere as a disciple of Christ is to plan on having valleys of despair, seasons of suffering, the spiritual stamina to persevere through adversity, and the humility and gratitude to give God the glory when you experience successes in life. A strategic direction of faithfulness to the Lord, family, and friends is a good start in defining a plan to follow Christ. Counting the cost as a discipline can also be applied to having a plan for our roles in life. Marriage, parenting, finances, physical health, education, and relational growth require a plan.

As you seek to be faithful in your various roles—whether as a parent, spouse, worker, friend, or disciple of Christ—it’s important to count the cost and plan wisely. Jesus’ teaching reminds you that just as a builder must calculate the resources needed for a project, so must you evaluate the demands of your commitments. Faithfulness requires intentionality. Without a plan, you risk burnout, frustration, or unfinished tasks. Ask God for wisdom to manage your time, energy, and resources well. Planning doesn’t mean controlling every detail but stewarding what the Lord has given you. Count the cost, set priorities aligned with His will, and trust Him to guide you in completing your responsibilities with grace and perseverance. Prior planning prevents poor performance. Start by asking your heavenly Father to show you His heart for your plans. As Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”

Before beginning any task or project, take time to seek the Lord’s will and wisdom. Ask God for guidance and clarity. Reflect on whether the project aligns with His purposes and timing. Next, consider the resources you’ll need—time, energy, finances, or support from others. Don’t rush ahead without ensuring you have what’s necessary to complete the work. Create a collaborative plan that allows for faithful follow-through. Involve the Spirit in every step, trusting Him to provide what’s needed. Faithfulness isn’t just about starting strong—it’s about perseverance and seeing things through to completion, relying on God’s grace all the way. Resist obsessing over a perfect plan, and trust your Perfect Savior to guide you.


Lord, help me to plan wisely and seek Your will in everything I do. Guide my steps, provide the necessary resources, and strengthen my trust in You. Teach me to rely on Your wisdom so I may remain faithful to the end, completing what You’ve called me to do. Amen.


Check out these Wisdom Guide gifts to assist in your planning.

Related Reading

Genesis 6:9-22; 1 Kings 5:1-18, 6:1-38; Nehemiah 2:11-18

Worship Resource

Colin Dixon feat. Gabby Barrett: Build a Boat


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