September 7, 2024

Read the Signs

Written by Tripp Prince

Wisdom teaches us to read and interpret the signs around us.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 7, 2024

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12, NIV

I distinctly remember the sense of freedom and unbounded possibilities that came with a driver’s license. Finally, my friends and I could set out into the world and do whatever we wanted to do, wherever we wanted! I also have many memories of the foolishness that came with this same freedom, and one scene stands out in my mind as I reflect upon Proverbs 14 today. 

After wrapping up dinner in the suburbs, we decided we were going to head downtown to feel like big-city kids for a few hours. And so, we hopped on the highway and took off, paying far more attention to the music we were blasting than the direction we were going. About an hour into this drive, we started to see signs, not for the city, but for mountain towns that could be found on the edge of our state. We paused the music, came to our senses, and realized we’d spent the past hour driving in the wrong direction.

In life, there are roads that lead to life, and there are roads that lead to death. Paths defined by peace, contentment of heart, and rest, and ways that lead us deeper into the chaos and unrest of our sick and sinful hearts. These are the final destinations, the ultimate outcomes of walking these roads, yet each road is littered with signposts along the way, alerting us to the path that we are on. Wisdom teaches us to read and interpret the signs around us. 

If my friends and I had been attentive, we would have quickly realized the mistake we’d made, at once seeing that we’d headed north, not south, and could have immediately turned back. Yet in our distraction and lack of attentiveness, we not only turned on the wrong road, but continued on it for mile after mile. 

In our own lives, there are countless decisions that we make, roads that we choose to go down or to avoid. Sometimes, it is immediately clear that we should avoid this or that path. However, as the proverb reminds us, there are often ways “that appear to be right.” Perhaps we are paying attention, and every initial sign says, “Yes, this is wise. Go for it!” What’s needed, however, is not simply an initial act of discernment but discernment as a way of life, daily attentiveness to the paths we are on and the choices we make. Ask yourself today, “If I continue on this path, what is its ultimate destination? Will it lead me into the abundant life of God’s kingdom, or does it promise life while only leading me to death?”

Pay close attention to your choices and the road you are on. Learn to read the signs closely. If they are taking you somewhere you don’t want to go, have the courage to admit your mistake, turn around, and get on the right path.


Father, lead us in the way that is true, and keep us alert and attentive to the signs all around us, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Ask yourself the question posed in today’s devotional. “If I continue on this path, what is its ultimate destination? Will it lead me into the abundant life of God’s kingdom, or does it promise life while only leading me to death?”

Related Reading

Jeremiah 10:23; Romans 12:2; James 1:5

Worship Resource

Cody Carnes: Firm Foundation


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