September 16, 2023

Say Your Prayers

Written by Tripp Prince

It is easier to embrace the idea of prayer than prayer itself.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 16, 2023

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2, ESV

It is easier to embrace the idea of prayer than prayer itself. For example, who among us hasn’t said in passing, “I’ll keep you in my prayers,” yet never actually turned that intention into a conversation with the Lord. Similarly, how easily do we offer “thoughts and prayers” as a generalized form of sympathy or affection, extending our hearts horizontally toward a friend or loved one, yet failing to also connect them vertically with our actual source of help.

I believe it is for this reason that Paul urges Timothy to lead in a way that the Christian community is known for its life of deep and abiding prayer. And as today’s passage notes, it isn’t simply prayer for ourselves or those closest to us, important as these prayers certainly may be. No, it is an expansive and all-inclusive vision of prayer. Nothing is off-limits! Prayer is urged “for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.” 

At the core of this invitation to pray for “all people” is the unwavering belief in the effectual nature of prayer. If prayer is nothing more than good thoughts and warm feelings, then why bother praying for your friend, or for politicians, for that matter? Yet if we believe that the Lord is at work, moving in our midst and ruling and reigning over his creation, and longing to live in relationship with us, then prayer is the most important thing you and I can do!

Take a moment and briefly “audit” your prayer life. Especially, consider the balance between prayers for yourself vs. prayers for others. Do you have an intentional rhythm of prayer for friends and family? What about your children’s school teachers, local leaders in your community, as well as elected officials at the highest level? We do not stumble into this kind of expansive prayer! It takes intentionality and forethought. Keep a prayer list of names or even spheres of societal influence that burden your heart, and whenever someone asks you to pray for them, write that prayer down and turn your affection for them into an intercession before our good and loving Father.


Father, deepen our life of prayer, that we may believe that you hear us and respond, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


What are a few concrete steps you can take to increase your intentionality in prayer for others?

Related Reading

Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 18:19; James 5:16

Worship Resource

Hillsong Worship: The Lord’s Prayer


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