May 13, 2016


Ephesians 1

1: Belonging to JesusCity Life in Christ

1-2: Saint not Sinner

3: Spiritual Blessings in Christ, The Hospitality of Christ’s Presence, Every Spiritual Blessing

3-4: Stress Busters

3-6: My Pleasure

4-5: Adopted and Accepted

5: When Confidence is Toppled by Condemnation

5,7: Benevolent Sovereignty

7: Wealth of God, Forgiveness of GodYou Are Rich

7-10: Spiritual Formation

13-14: Mutual PossessionYou Are God’s PossessionA Taste of What’s to Come

15-16: Thankful Prayers

16-17, 19-20: God’s Generous Gift of Power

16-18: The Secret to Hopeful Living

18: Prayer for Clarity

22-23: Total Healing

Ephesians 2

1-2: From Sickness to Health

1-3: Every Christian’s Battle

4: God’s Love in Action

4-5: Quality of Mercy, Seeing Life Where There is Only Death, Seeing Life In a World of Death

8-9: Gift of Grace

9: Are You Saved?

9-10: Who Are You?

10: Made to Make, Walk in Good WorksA Way of Life, Purpose or Calling?, Free to Be God’s Unique Person, Called to Create, Feel Like a Fish Out of Water?, What You Do Isn’t Who You Are, You Are His Funnel, Your God-given Assignment Matters, Thoughts for the Single Who Wants to Marry, Made for More

13-14: Personal Peace

19-20: A Place to Belong

Ephesians 3

1-2: Stewards of Grace

5-6: God Welcomes Everyone

16-17: Inner Spiritual Strength

16-18: Spiritual Riches, Life in Christ

17-18: Deep Waters

20: Further Faster, Have You Put God in a Blessing Box?, Your Loving and Powerful Father, How Blessings Follow Trials

20-21: How Not to Give Away Your Power

Ephesians 4

1-2: Walk in Humility

1-3: How to Heal Hurting Relationships

2: Being Fully Known and Fully Loved, Humility Gives, Humility Loves, Bear With One Another

2-3: The Best For Us, Into Me See

7-8: Ascend to the Throne

11-12: Gift of Evangelism

11-13: Every Gift Starts as a Spark

11-14: Safety in Numbers

15: Loving Communication, Caring CandorConfront with Truth, How Marriage Helps Us Grow

15-16: Unrealistic Expectations

16: Fitly Joined Together

17: Walk Against Culture

22-24: Exchanged Life, New Life in Christ

26: Keep Short Accounts

26-27: Humble Leadership

27: Safe from the Devil

28: Three-Step Transformation

29: Too Blunt, Conversations not CommandsIs it Time to Do Some Zipping?, Caring Questions, Meaningful Communication

30-32: Forgiveness Empowers

31-32: Freed Up To Love, Make Me an Instrument of Peace Online, Lord, Try a Little Tenderness, Will You Be Bitter or Better?

32: Forgiven People Forgive, Kindness and Compassion, Learning to Forgive, Forgiving Dad, Remedy for Relational Repair, Learning Empathy, Crying, Compassion, and Church at the End of My Hospital Bed, Choosing Compassion, A Deliberate Decision

Ephesians 5

1-2: Who You Are, Be An Authentic Christian

2: Walk in Love, Contagious for Christ, How to Experience Overflowing Joy!

8-10: Sold Out, Find Out What Pleases God

15-16: Walk in WisdomAppropriate or Inappropriate, Living In The Present Moment, Best Use of Time, Living by Design or by Default

15-17: Redeeming the Time, Essentials Not Non-EssentialsHow to Live IntentionallyDon’t Be Foolish!

17: Understanding and Obeying God’s Will

17-18: Number One InfluencerHoly Spirit Influenced

18: Being Filled With the Spirit

18-19: Speak Up!

18-20: Gratitude Gene, Gratitude: The DNA of a Jesus Disciple

20: Always Be Thankful, Always Giving Thanks

20-21: Three Ingredients for a Healthy Marriage

21: Lessons Learned From Our Fourth Daughter’s Wedding, A Fruitful Wedding, Me For You and You For Me, Relational Well-Being

22-23: Ways a Wife Can Support Her Husband

23: Protect Your Wife, Spiritual Leader

28-30: How Can I Best Love And Care For My Wife?

31: Successful Marriages

33: Three Ways To Love Your Husband, Best Parental Gift, 3 Ways to Love Your Husband, Respect Him

Ephesians 6

1: Parental Golden Years

2: Honor Aging Parents

2-3: Honoring Our Mothers

4: Effective Fathers Instruct, Slow Parenting, Raising Teenagers, Parenting Without Exasperation, Five Fatherhood Lessons From My Son-In-Law, Lessons I Am Learning From My Son-in-Law, Discipline in Love, Nurturing Dads, Love at Home

5-6: Meaningful Work

10: Strong and Mighty

10-11: Full Armor of God

11: God’s Full Armor, Satanic Schemes, Father of Lies

11-12: Our Biggest Ongoing Battle

12: Spiritual Struggle, How to Stop Satan’s Influence in Your Life, The Battle is Real, Take Up Your Sword, Overcomer!, We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood

14: Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Tempered by Truth, Protected by Purity

15: Power in Peace, Steps Toward Peace

16: Shield of FaithFaith Extinguishes Evil Desires

17: Swords of the Spirit, Helmet of Salvation

18: Spiritual Prayers, Seven Ways to Pray, 7 Ways to Pray