Hebrews 2
6-9: Look To Jesus
14-15: Free from Fear
15: Fear of Death
18: Overcoming Temptation, A Holy Struggle
Hebrews 3
1: Jesus Thinking—Not Over Thinking
7-8, 12-13: Wilderness Seasons
14: Keep Showing Up
Hebrews 4
3: Enter Into Rest, Schedule Time for Rest
9-11: Rest From Work
15-16: Time of Need
16: Why Desperate Leaders are Winners, When It’s Your Fault
Hebrews 5
2b-3: Flawed Leaders
7-9: Suffering Teaches Obedience, Learning Obedience
7-10: Confident Confession
8: Learn Obedience, Glory in Suffering
8-9: Obey Him, Learning to Obey Like Jesus
13-14: Infant Christians
Hebrews 6
10-12: Sweat and Success
11-12: Who Are You Imitating?
19: The Anchor
Hebrews 7
Hebrews 10
23: Hold on to Hope, Unswerving Hope
23-25: Leaders Worth Following
24: She Stepped Outside Her Comfort Zone for Love
24-25: Is Your Faith Provocative?
25: Making Habits
30-31: God’s Payment Plan, Trust God to Pay Back in His Timing, God’s Plan For Injustice
35: Confident Trust
35-36: The Importance of Endurance
36: Resilience not Resolution, Do God’s Will
38-39: Live By Faith
Hebrews 11
1: Managing Our Moods, Hope Has a Name
4: Missing Mom
8: Faith Living, The Great Adventure, Time To Go, Great Leaders Are Willing to Make Sudden Adjustments, Let’s Go God
15-16: Pilgrimage with God
17,19: Absolute Surrender
24-25: Conflicting Loyalties
24-26: Sacrificial Spirit, Looking Ahead
26: Eternal Rewards
Hebrews 12
1: Heavenly Heroes, Called to be Saints, Hope From Dead Heroes
1-2: Dead Heroes, Competing Attachments, Joyful Endurance, Inspired by Faithfulness
2: Joyful Obedience, Despising Shame
Hebrews 13
4: Honor Marriage, Marriage Intentionally
5: Two Things We Can’t Get From Our Money and Possessions, A Spouse’s Loyal Love
6: Overcoming the Fear of Man, Prayer Plus Action Equals a Changed Life
7-8: A Pluralistic Nation United by Faith in God, A God Fearing People Imitate the Faith of God Fearing Leaders
8-9: Unchanging Truth in a Changing World
14-16: Citizens of the Kingdom
16: Do Good as You Have Opportunity
17: Too Familiar Leaders, Confidence in Leadership, Watch Over You, The Joy of Leading and Being Led
18-19: Solicit Prayers