May 13, 2016


Luke 1

3-4: Due DiligenceDue Diligence to Do What’s Right

13: Man of Prayer

15: Great to God

28-29: Pondering The Profound

28-30: Why Me, Lord?

31-33, 38: Born in Us Today

34-37: Life in the Most Unlikely of Places

37: Word From God

43: Why me?

46-47,49-50: Heart Felt Praise

46-49: Trust and Celebrate

48: The Model Disciple

52: The Great Equalizer

76-77: Introduction to Jesus

79: Path of Peace

Luke 2

4-5: Night Before Christmas

5-7: Expecting a Baby

7: Modest MeansMake Room For Joy, Generous Hospitality

10: Jesus Brings Joy

10-11: Humble Followers of Jesus

11: Christ in Christmas, Our Savior’s Birth

11, 13-14: Merry Christmas

11-12: First Christmas, The First Christmas, Humble Beginnings

14: Peace on Earth, Peaceful Preparations for Christmas, Peaceful Preparations

15: Anticipating God’s Gift

19: Woman of Prayer

21: Christmas Time Is (Still) Here

21-22: Dedicated to God

25-26: Never Give Up Hope, Worth the WaitRestrained By The Holy Spirit

25-32: Righteous and Devout Simeon

28-32: Lord at Thy Birth

36-38: A praying Woman, Anna the Prophetess

52: Focus on Depth, Trust God With The BreadthLearning to Lead Like Jesus, Grow Wiser

Luke 3

4: Preparing the Way

11: Share Extra Stuff

14: Be Content

22: You Are Beloved

Luke 4

13: How Ninja Skills Can Help You Resist Temptation, What to Do When Someone Verbally Attacks You

14: Success From Serving in the Spirit’s Power

16: The Holy Ordinary, What’s Your Custom?

17-19: The Whole Gospel

18: God Wants to Heal Your Broken Heart

20-21: Scripture Fulfilled

Luke 5

4-5: If You Say So

4-6: Apprentices of Jesus, Change Your Approach

9-11: Divine Disruptions

10: Catching People

15-16: Finding a Healthy BalanceLearning to Rest, The Necessity of the Desert

17-19: Carried by Faith, Hope and Love

27-28: An Unsettled Faith

Luke 6

17-18: Level Ground

17-19: A Knowable God

20: Liberated from the Love of Money

22: Feeling Excluded

25: Stay Hungry

26: Well Spoken, Unholy Accolades, How to Respond to Criticism for Our FaithA Warning When All Speak Well of You

27: Dealing with Difficult People

27-28: Love When You Don’t Feel Like Loving

27-30: Loving Those Who Hate You

30: A Life of Mercy

31: Think the Best of OthersThink the Best, Be On Time

36-37: Refrain From Judgment

38: Out Give God, Six Spiritual Laws of Giving, Give Generously

45: Focus on What I Can Control

47-48: Well Built Life

Luke 7

8-9: Growing a Greater Faith

9: Great Faith

11-13: Generous Dad

34: Friend of Sinners, Befriending Sinners

38: Happy Tears

47: How to Grow Our Capacity to Love, Daughter of Love

49: Good Questions

Luke 8

1-2: Bring Them With You, Gratitude Walks with Jesus

1-3: Women Who Loved Jesus (Pt.1), Women Who Loved Jesus (pt. 2)

2-3: Generous Women, Generosity Flows From A Grateful Heart

9,11: Four Spiritual Heart Conditions

14: Distractions to Discipleship

15: Heart for God

18: Living in the Present is a Present

19-21: Bloodlines and Belonging

22-25: Where is Your Faith?

25: Who is This?

28: Torment or Trust?

37: Overcome by Fear

43-48: Grateful for Love, Grateful for God’s Love, Hope Over Despair

Luke 9

13: God’s Already Provided

23: Die To Live, Following Jesus Leads to Life, Are You a Follower or a Fan?

23-24: What Does It Mean To Bear My Cross?, The Relief of Surrender

28-31: Mountain Tops and Valleys

46-48: Selfless Service

57: Promise to God

Luke 10

5-6: Instruments of Peace

8: Love Accommodates To Value A Relationship Over Personal Comfort

16: The Risk of Intimacy

21: Thankful for the ExtraordinarySpirit Filled Joy and Praise to God, A Loving Relationship With God Praises Him, Joy Praises God

27: Faithful Witnesses

29: Who is My Neighbor? (Part One of Two), Who is My Neighbor (Part Two of Two)

30: Love Does Something

33-34: Inconvenient Christianity, Inconvenient Love

33-35: Becoming a Radical Lover, Love Moves Toward Pain

34-35: Good Goers

36-37: Care for StrangersSlow Down and Care For Those Different From You, Love Does Not Discriminate

38: The Gift of Hospitality

38-42: Anxious About Many ThingsAre You Distracted?

39-42: Active Life or Contemplative Life

40: Too Much Serving, Trying Too Hard

40-42: Busy For God

41-42: Stop Doing, One Thing, Stop Doing List

Luke 11

1: Approachable Jesus

1-2: The Prayer of Jesus, Lord Teach Us to Pray

4: Avoid Workplace Temptation

10: Persevering In Prayer

11-13: Generous Dad

21-22: Throne of Life

27-28: Kind and Clear Correction

42: Love, Justice, Generosity, Both/And Living

Luke 12

2: Deepest Secrets Revealed

6-7: Attention to Detail

12: Are You Afraid to Share the Gospel?

15: Stuffing and Stuff, How to Be Truly Satisfied

16-21: Rich Toward God

18-21: Lust for Luxury

20-21: What Does It Mean to Be Rich Toward God?, Fear of Not Having Enough, Rich Toward God, How Much is Enough?

21: Rich Toward God

22-26: Learning to Unplug

32-34: Give When It Hurts

35-37: Dressed for Action

Luke 13

3: Are You Better Than Others? 

6: Made to Bear Fruit, Fruitful Faith

6-9: Second Chances

10-13: Stand Up Straight

18-19: Little to Big, A Little Faith With Large Results

20-21: Change Agent

31-34: Compassion and Comfort

32: Godly Goal Setting

Luke 14

26: When You Don’t Want to Go

27: Follow Him, Faith Follows Jesus

27-31: Are You Overthinking?

28-29: Prior Planning

28-30: Finish Well

33: Give Up Everything, What do you Treasure?

Luke 15

3-7: Love Pursues You

4: Love Initiates

4-6: Extravagant Love Pursues

4-7: What Brings Joy to Jesus?, Persistent Love

8: Pursued by Love

9: Turn Back To Love

10: Cause for Celebration

11-12: Imperfect Fathers, What Do I Give My Child?

16-17: Unresolved Pain

20: Hugs of Healing, Connection and Trust

23-24: Celebrate Recovery

27: Safe Environments

28-29: Moral Police

28-30: Joyful or Resentful

31-32: Everything God Has Is Yours

Luke 16

8: Shrewd for Jesus, Monetize Your Mission

10: How to Experience God’s Will

11: Worldly Wealth or True Riches, Rich in What Matters Most, True Riches

14-15: Value Highly

15: Upside Down Values

22-24: Promise of Hell

27-28: Place of Torment

30-31: Are You Listening?

Luke 17

3: Confession and Forgiveness

5-6: Increase Our Faith!

10: Christian Duty

14-16: Realize and Respond With Gratitude

15-16: Remember Thank You, Gratitude Speaks UpRemember to Say Thank You

15-19: Unexpressed Gratitude is Ingratitude, A Generous Thank You

18-19: Grateful Faith Brings Wholeness

28-29, 31-33: Wise Appraisal of Relationships

Luke 18

1: Unanswered Prayers

1-5: Persistence Pays Off, Persistent Prayer

7: Unjust Treatment

2-4: Power of No

9: Self Righteousness, Seductive Self Righteousness

9,11: Unacceptable Prayers, Pray Humble Prayers

10-13: Sinner’s Prayer

10-14: Humility in Prayer

18-22: A Good Sinner

27: God-Size Goals

31: Aside to Abide

40-42: What Do You Want Jesus To Do?

Luke 19

9-10: Finding God

Luke 20

26: Marvel in Silence

Luke 21

1-4: Radical GenerosityKingdom Economics

3-4: Little is Much

19: Enduring Faith, Gain Your Life, Love Endures

Luke 22

42: Thy Will Be Done

56-57: Spiritual Structural Integrity

Luke 23

13-16: Walking with Jesus

24: Loves’ Empathetic Forgiveness, Forgiveness Expressed Through The Ministry Of Prayer

26: When Your Obedience Becomes Another’s Burden

34: How Wise Sheep Handle Wolves, Freedom in Forgiveness

46: Giving Permission to Die

Luke 24

5-8: He is Alive

19-24: Talking to Jesus

27: Discuss and Apply Scripture in a Small Group, Jesus And Scriptures

27, 45: Love Elevates Understanding

28-29: Stay With Us!

30-31: Thankful for the Ordinary

30-32: Be Present, Sitting with Jesus

32: A Burning Heart

36-39: Why Are You Troubled?

45: Open Minded