May 13, 2016


Mark 1

7, 10: Humble and Gentle

9-11: Believers Baptism

12: Into the Wilderness

12-13: Desert Experience

14-15: A Life of Repentance

16-18: Mending Nets

21-22: Transformational Teaching

22, 27, 35: Impactful Living

23-26: Influence of Impure Spirits

29-31: Saved to Serve

30-31: Healing Hospitality

35: A Quiet Place, Clarity in Chaotic Times, Self-Care for Moms

35-37: Life’s Interruptions, Everyone is Looking For You

40-41: Healing Isolation’s Pain

40-42: Restored to Community

Mark 2

1-4: Present to Your Pain

4: Faith Finds Jesus

16-17: Upside Down LoveSpiritually Sick

27: Gift of Sabbath

Mark 3

14: Be With Jesus, The Gift of Availability

14-15: To Be With Jesus

21: How to Love Your Unbelieving Family MembersLove Extended to Unbelieving Family

Mark 4

3: Listen!

6-8: A Cultivated Life

9: Spiritual Receptivity, Ears to Hear

20: Leveraged by God

26-27: God is Working

39-40: Why Are You So Afraid?

Mark 5

9: Demons and the Devil

19: Someone’s Life Raft

25-28: The One Who Heals

27-28: Touch His Garments

33-34: Dare to Believe

34: Lessons I’m Learning from Our Adult Daughters

35-36: Don’t Be Afraid

Mark 6

4: Misunderstood by FamilyLord of All or Not Lord at All

7: Travel Together Not Alone

30-32: Quiet Rest

31: Hurried Sickness, Give Yourself a Break!

41: Limited Resources, Unlimited Resourcer

45: Real Time Obedience

46: Disconnect to Connect, Slow Down to Accomplish More

47-50: Joy In Jesus Over Fear

Mark 7

8: God’s Vision of the Good Life

37: Astonished Beyond Measure

Mark 8

11-13: Arguing With God

15: Beware of Deceptive Hypocrisy

17: A Heart to Know Understand God’s Ways

30: Timing is Everything

31-33: Trusting the Pilot

33: Concerns of God

34: Take Up Your Cross

36-37: Unprofitable Profit

Mark 9

7: Love Listens

23: God Possibilities

33-34: The Illusion of Greatness

38-40: Inclusive not Exclusive

39: God Tells Long Stories

42: Protect Children

43-45: Maimed and Lame

Mark 10

9: Joined by God

13-15: Greatly Displeased

13-16: Willing to be Blessed

15: Simple Faith

17-27: Beyond Morality

21: Lacking One Thing, Money’s DistractionFree From Being Possessed by Possessions, Jesus Sees You and Loves You, Love Exposes Idols, Look of Love

21-22: Grief From Great Possessions

21-23: Money’s Distraction

27: Unfulfilled Longings: God Specializes in Fulfilling 5% Probabilities

35: It’s Not About You

43-45: The Value of Relational Equity in Your Work, Relational Equity, Build Relational Equity

44-45: Upside Down Leadership, Out Serve Others, Turning Obligations Into Opportunities

45: Ideal of Manhood

51: I Want What You Want

51-52: What’s Your Deepest Desire

Mark 11

1-2, 5-6: Do What Jesus Says To Do

15-16: Money Motivated

Mark 12

10-11: Rejection to Restoration

28-31: As You Love Yourself

30: Four Ways to Love GodWhat Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Healthy?, Healthy Emotions Strengthen The Body

30-31: The Relational Leader is Emotionally Healthy

32, 34: Teachable HeartWhat Does It Mean to Have a Teachable Heart?

37: Humility Listens

43-44: Generosity Gives All

Mark 13

7: Don’t Panic

9-11: Grace for the Moment

12-13: Disruptive Discipleship

Mark 14

6-8: Extraordinary Love Gives, Love Gives Out of Gratitude

8: Best EffortDo Your Best, Trust God With The Rest

13-15: God Provides

21-24: Shelter in Place

44-45: Money’s Betrayal

Mark 15

9-11: Emotional Manipulation

34: Sense of Abandonment

37-41: Compassion and Courage

Mark 16

1-3: Who Will Roll Away The Stone?

6: The Surprises of Easter

6-7: God Keeps His Promises

9-11: Love Waits and Anticipates

14: Alive and Well