May 13, 2016


Matthew 1

18: Engaged to Marry

19: A Sensitive Husband

20: Angel of God, The Trinity’s Love

21: Savior of Sins

22-23: God With Us, Prophecy Fulfilled, Prophecy Predicted Christ’s Virgin Birth

24: Trusting Obedience

24-25: Obey God’s Way, Obey When Unsure

Matthew 2

1-2,11: Anticipating God’s Gifts

7-8: Integrity Revealed

9-11: Give Jesus Your Best

13: Save One Child, Protect Your Family

13-14: Jealous Of Jesus

Matthew 3

3: Prepare The WayA Prepared Heart Follows God’s Path, Preparation For God’s Direction, Purposeful Preparation

4: Plain LeadersLeaders Who Can Be Themselves

8: Fruitful Repentance 

9: Surrounded By Faith

11: Purified by The Holy Spirit

13-17: Baptized into the Mission of Jesus

16-17: Identity Theft

17: Well Pleased, A Beloved Child

Matthew 4

1: Tempted in Solitude

1,11: Prepared for Kingdom Living

3: The Tempter’s Tricks

4: What Mini Sermons Are You Preaching to Yourself?

6: Sacred Scripture

11: Angels of God

12: Unjust Treatment, Trust When Mistreated

19: Leaders Have FollowersFishing With Jesus

19-20: Christ’s CallingGreat Leaders Are Great FollowersA Compelling Call, Learning To Follow Well

Matthew 5

3: Happiness in Humility, Humility Gives

3-10: Blessed Are…

4: Happiness in GriefGrief Gives The Gift of Comfort

5: Happiness in Meekness

6: Happiness in PassionPassion for God, Hunger and Thirst

7: Much Money, Happy Are The Merciful

8: A Clearer View of God

9: How to Deal with Relational Conflict, Conflict Can Lead to Greater Intimacy, Being a Peacemaker

10: The Two Relational Bookends of Every Believer

13: Sweet and Savory

13-14: Salt and Light

14-16: Guiding Light

15-16: You Are a Light-Bearer Known by Your Love

17: Transformative Faith

17, 20: Jesus and Scripture

21: How Did Jesus Interpret Scripture

21-22: Freedom From Anger, Lessons from Lawn Mower Maintenance, But I Say to You

23-24: Ask Forgiveness FastGo Back to Go Forward, Be Reconciled, Love Initiates

24: Resolution Brings ReliefLeaders Who Seek A Peaceful Resolution

25: Make Things Right

27-28: Visual Accountability, Emotional Unfaithfulness

27-29: Freedom from Porn Addiction

29-30: Good Disagreement

37: Learning To Say No, Kind But Direct, I Swear!, Hold Your “Yes”

39: Resolution Not Retaliation, Turn The Other Cheek

41: More Than Expected

43-45: Radical Prayer, Love Engages with the Enemy, Look for the Good

44-45: Pray For People Hard To Love, Living Out the Golden Rule

45: When God Doesn’t Say Yes to Your Prayer, Praying in Jesus’ Name

48: Embrace Excellence, Pretense of Perfection

Matthew 6

1: Discreet Deeds, Anonymous Achievements

7-8: Before You Even Ask

8: Father Knows Best

9-10: Recession Proof Kingdom

10: Our Purposeful Father, Alignment With God’s Purposes

11: Our Providing Father, Grateful for Today

13: Does God Tempt Us?

14-15: Forgive Fast, Unforgiving Means Unforgiveness

16: Why Should I Fast?

19-21: Trust in MoneyHow Can We Treasure the Best Treasures?, Why Money Is Not Worthy Of Our Trust

21: Value Wisely, What Do You Treasure?

24: God or Money

25: Got Worry?

25-34: Hope for Times of Worry and Uncertainty

25: Do Not Worry

26-27: God’s Care Replaces Worry

27: Result of Worry, Free from Worry

28: Being is Beautiful

30-33: Surrendering It All to Christ

31-34: Future Fears

33: You Can Always Return to Him, Journey With Jesus, Jesus Take the Wheel

34: Living in Today and Trusting God for Tomorrow, Held Hostage

Matthew 7

1-3: No Judgment

3: Self-Awareness

7-8: Joyful Answered Prayer

12: What Are You Doing for Others?

15-16: Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

21-23: False Faith, False Religion

24: Put Into Practice, A Life Well Built

24-25: Follow Through

29: He Knows Everything About Everything

Matthew 8

5-7: Relational Repair

8: I Am Not Worthy

9: Under Authority

10: Jesus Marvels at Us

14-15: Compassion for Mother-in-Laws

18-19: Follow Jesus First

20: A Place to Rest His Head

24-25: Peaceful Sleep

Matthew 9

2: Extra Faith Required, Be of Good Cheer

10: Socializing With Sinners

11-13: Not The End of Your Story

13: Go and Learn

17: Culture of Innovation

23-24: Prove Yourself

36: Compassion Bridge, The Compassionate Heart of Christ, Compassion Over Criticism

Matthew 10

1-4: Pair Up

8: Freely Give

8-10: Earnest Simplicity

16: Shrewd But Innocent, Wise and Innocent, Humble and Wise

16-20: What You Need, When You Need It

22: Endure to the End

29-31: More Valuable to God

31: Do Not Fear

34-39: Not Peace, but a Sword?

37: Quality of Love

37-39: More Than Me

Matthew 11

1: The Best Leaders Are Good Teachers

2-3: When In Doubt, Momentary Doubt

10: Preparation Precedes Power

14: Willing to Accept

16-17: Building A Great Generation

16-19: The Greatest Generation

20: Evidence Demands Action

28: Invitation to Intimacy, A Broken Heart Still Beats

28-29: Come As You AreMeekness Brings Peace, Approachable, Humble Savior , Moms Receive the Gift of Sabbath, The Joy of Surrender

28-30: Come to Me, Rest For The WearyReceive the Gift of Sabbath, Help for the Burned Out and Exhausted, A Light Burden, Alone but Never Alone

29: How to Change Your Bad Feelings and Experience More Joy

Matthew 12

1: Practical Provision

7-8: I Desire Mercy

14-15: Aware of Reality

18, 21: Light to the Nations

24: Divisions Downfall

25: United We StandDivisions Downfall

36-37: Careless Words

50: Family of Faith

Matthew 13

8: Fruitful Faith

14: Receiving and Sharing Compassion

16: Blessed to Understand

23: Productive Living

24-25: Good Among Bad

25-26: Authentic or Artificial

27-30: Weeds and Wheat

31-32: Rest for Weary Souls

33: The Power of Story Telling

44: Treasure Hunting

44-46: Disruptive Faith

45-46: Pearl of Great Price

49-50: Hypocrites Exposed

54: Ordinary to Extraordinary

58: Lack of Faith

Matthew 14

9: Peer Pressure

13: Disconnect to Reconnect, Retreat to Reconnect

13-14: Responding to Distractions

14: Compelling Compassion

15-18: Bring Jesus What You Have

19: Management Compliments Leadership, Blessed to Bless

22-23: Protection From the Pride of Success

22-27: Ordinary Chaos, Extraordinary Peace

23: Silence Manages Noise

24-28: Great Trust, Great Love

28-29: Walk on Water, Obey When Afraid

28-31: Fearless New Year

29: For Everyone Who is Afraid to Fail and Doesn’t Want to TryLive Like Someone Left the Gate Open, Courage Moves Forward in The Face of Fear

30: Urgent Short Prayers

30-31: In Over My Head

Matthew 15

2-3: Break Bad Traditions

14: Lovingly Leave Them

18-20: A Clean Heart, Rats in the Cellar

21-28: Lord, Help Me

22, 25: Cry Out For Children, Urgent Prayers For Children

25: Lord Help Me

38: Lack of Faith

Matthew 16

8-9: Remember God’s Faithfulness

13-17: Who is Jesus? Who are You?

15-16: Who Is Jesus?, Liar, Lunatic, or Lord

15-18: Value Others by Speaking Their Name

18: Christ’s Church

21: Suffering Servants

21-23: Get Behind Me!

23: Things of God, Pressing On for Jesus

24: The Crosses We Bear

25: Lose Your Life

26: Alive to Our True Self

27: Christ’s Second Coming

Matthew 17

4-8: Memorializing Meaningful Memories

5: Good Listener

6-8: Get Up

7-8: Don’t Be Afraid, Don’t Be Afraid, Create Environments for Vulnerability, Men Need Safe Environments to Share

20: Belief Brings Possibilities, Faith is Underrated

22-23: Filled With Grief

Matthew 18

1: Revealing Questions

1-5: True Greatness

3-5: Play With Your Child

12-14: Pursued by God

15: Confrontation Not Gossip,  Conflict Resolution, Christ-Centered Conflict Resolution, Win Them Back

15, 20: The End of Isolation

19-20: Effective Radical Prayer

21-22: Abundant Forgiveness, How Many Times?!, Loves Abundant Forgiveness, Undeserved Forgiveness

21-22, 34-35: Generous Forgiveness

23: Extend Mercy

26-27: Freedom in Forgiveness

27: Ongoing Forgiveness and Freedom, Freedom in Forgiveness

32-33: Gratitude Facilitates Forgiveness

35: Heartfelt Forgiveness

Matthew 19

4-6: Meaningful Marriage, Leave and Cleave, Emotional Engagement

13: Parental Love

13-14: Affection and Acceptance

19: Generous Love is Intentional

20-21: Do You Want to Be Perfect?

26: Gratitude About Rearview Moments

29: Total Devotion

Matthew 20

5-7: Work in Retirement

13: Grateful Not Demanding

15: Discretionary Generosity

15-16: Learning to Give Like Jesus

20-21: Well Meaning Mom

24-28: Serve Not Be Served

25-28: A Servant Who’s Not Serving, A Life’s Work, Great Leaders

26-28: Servant Leadership, How Does Jesus Define Greatness?

28: Serve Others Without Expecting to Be Served

Matthew 21

9: Children Praise God

10-11: Curiosity About Christ

15-16: Childlike Praise and Prayers, A Child’s Humble Praise, Childlike Prayers and Praise

18-19: The Fruit of Repentance

23-24: A Humble Response to a Tense Situation

28-30: Instant Obedience

Matthew 22

2: Feast On God’s Love

4: How to Share the Lord’s Hospitality

11-12: A Heart Adorned in Humility, Dressed Up For God

15-18: Good or Bad Questions

17-18: Evil Intent Exposed

29: Leaders Empowered by God Know and Obey Scripture

36-38: Why Love? (Part 1 of 3)

37: Emotionally Love God

37: When You’ve Got That Empty Feeling

37-40: How to Know and Live Out Your Priorities

39: Four Ways to Love Yourself, Love at Work

Matthew 23

15: The Power of a Holy Life

23: Weightier Matters

29-30: Have Mercy on Me!

37: Are You Willing?

Matthew 24

36: A Divine Secret

42: Stay Awake

45-46: The Faithful and Wise Servant

Matthew 25

1-5: Unmet Expectations

14-15: Faithful With What You Have, Generous Living

15: Capacity Building

16: Financial Management Plan, A Financial Plan

21: Love is Heaven’s Currency

23: How Did I Do?

28: Take and Give

37-40: For the Least of TheseSeeing Jesus in Others

40: Loving the Least of These

Matthew 26

10,13: Meaningful Memories

36-39: Embrace Your Limitations

38: Lonely But Not Alone

38-39: Emotional Suffering

39: God’s Sovereign Will

39: Thy Will Be Done not My Will Be Done

41: Watch and Pray

49-50: Mercy Covers Betrayal

53: God’s Angel Armies

62-63: Falsely Accused

75-27:5: A Tale of Two Sinners

Matthew 27

23: Relational Competition

Matthew 28

6: He Is Alive and Knows Your Name

18-20: Seven Ways to Grow as a Disciple of Jesus, Bold Baptism

19: God’s Vision