Romans 1
11-12: Complementary Gifts Benefit Everyone
16: No Shame
17: Is Praying it Safe Best?, When God Asks, Say Yes
24-27: Feelings Tamed by Trust in God
Romans 2
21: Teach Yourself
Romans 3
22-24: Racism Buried Alive
23-24: Why Desperation is a Good Thing
Romans 4
Romans 5
3-5: Character in Crisis
3-4: Suffering Seeks Hope
6-8: What’s Your Worth?, Necessary Endings
12-13: The Original Pandemic
Romans 6
1-2: Responsible Grace
4: Beautiful Baptism, Living in Resurrection Power
5-8: No Longer Slaves
6: Freed Up From Sin, Joyful Freedom in Christ
6-7: You Do You
22-24: Fundamental Flaw
Romans 7
13: A Little Sin, Take Sin Seriously
14-15: Vulnerable Love
15: How Can I Overcome My Struggle For Daily Time With God?
18-19,25: Distrust Yourself
Romans 8
1: Forgive Yourself, Have You Truly Forgiven Yourself?, Should’ve Syndrome, No More Condemnation, Shame, or Regret
1-2: Release Pain, Receive Healing
5-6: Spirit Controlled Thinking
6: The Trap of Striving to Succeed
10-11: Holy Spirit Strength
12-13: The One Thing You Need to Admit to Experience Personal Transformation
14-16: Spirit-Led Leadership
19: When You Feel That Ache of Dissatisfaction
21: Free from the Bondage of People Pleasing
22-23: Courageous, Not Anxious
26-27: Spirit Led Praying, Learning to Pray, Holy Spirit Prayers for You
27,34: Aligned With God
28: When You’re Thrust Into a Role You Don’t Want, Cancer’s Lessons in Generosity, He is Never “Un-Blessing” You, Scars Become Stories
31: What’s Your Opportunity in Your Mess?, What God Wants For You, God is For You
31-39: God Loves You
35-37: Triumph Over Tragedy, He Does It All in Love
37: You Are More, Non-Victim Mindset, Living as an Overcomer
38: God Is For You
38-39: Abiding in LOVE (part 2 of 3)
Romans 9
17-18: God’s Glory and Our Joy in Waiting
Romans 10
9-10: Heart Knowledge
11: Living by Faith for What’s Behind
17: Eradication of Gospel Poverty, End Gospel Poverty
Romans 11
36: God Still Wants to Use You
Romans 12
1-2: Spiritual Worship
2: Unlearn Untruths, Mind Renewal, Discerning God’s Will, Mind Margin, You Have the Power to Change, Transformed by Christ in Silence and Solitude, Love Gives Relational Life, Mental Margin, Breaking the Power of Strongholds
3: To Sensitive, Sober Self-Assessment, A Humble Self-Assessment
4-5: Team Sport
5: One Another, Love Needs Another
6: Gift of Teaching, Strengths and Struggles, Uniquely Gifted by God
6-7: Gift of Service, Gift of Prophecy
8: Gift of Leadership, Good Leaders Follow, Gift of Exhortation, Gift of Giving, Gift of Mercy
9: How to Develop a Loving, Trusting Relationship
9-10: Sincere Love, Not About Me, Relational Equity, Genuine Love
10: Four Ways to Bring Out the Best in Others, Devoted to One Another, Love and Honor, Honor One Another, Humility is Other Centered / Pride is Self Centered, How to Grow Meaningful Relationships, Assume The Best, Love Sees Potential, Love Honors Another, Love is Devoted to Another, A Big Key to Building a Great Marriage, Prefer to Defer, Outdo One Another, Who is right?, Transactional or Transformational
11-12: Spiritual Fervor
12: Faithful in Prayer, Joyful in Hope, Patient Affiliation, Moms to Be, Learning to Persevere, Is Patience a Virtue?
12-13: Practice Hospitality
13: Practice Genuine Hospitality (Part One of Two), Practice Genuine Hospitality (Part Two of Two), Love Practices Hospitality
14: Unhealthy Ways to Manage Relational Conflict, The Freedom of Loving Your Enemies
14-16: Emotional Generosity
15: Joy and Sorrow, Weep With Those Who Weep, International Bereaved Mother’s Day
16: Live in Harmony
17: Productive Not Destructive Conflict
18: Peacemakers Forgive First, Deeper Love Can Grow from Conflict, When Someone Confronts You
19: Pay Back
21: Good Overcomes Evil, Overcome Evil
Romans 13
8: Love One Another, Why You Should Stay in Debt, Appreciation Shows His Love
11: Denying Denial
13: Walk in Purity
14: Mastering Unhealthy Emotions
Romans 14
15: What’s Best
Romans 15
1-2, 7: Love Receives
4: Why History Repeats Itself, Patience and Comfort
7: Accept One Another, Love Accepts Another
13: God of Hope, Overflowing Hope From the Holy Spirit, Hope Brokers, Desperation is a Gift, Aiming For an Uncomplicated Christmas, Choosing Joy in the Deepest Pain, Abound in Hope
14: Admonish One Another, Love Questions Foolishness
21: Are You Called to Missions?
30-33: Refreshed by Others
Romans 16
3-4: Kingdom Connector