Genesis 1
1: Big Vision
26-27: 5 Great Things About Men
27: Why Every Life Matters to God, Unity in Diversity, A Right Perspective for a Life-Giving Marriage, A Man’s Biggest Emotional Need, Made in His Image to Create
27-28: Image of God
31: Your True Colors
Genesis 2
15: The Gift of Work, Being God’s Gardener
24: Emotional Investments, Emotional Intimacy, Wise Grandparenting (Part One of Five), Wise Grandparenting (Part Two of Five), Wise Grandparenting (Three of Five), Wise Grandparenting (Part Four of Five), Wise Grandparenting (Five of Five), Wisdom for Grandparents, Beyond Polite
24-25: The Meaning of Marriage
Genesis 3
1: Doubt God, God’s Opinion, Subtle Sources of Seduction, What Has God Said?
7-10: Love Pursues the Lost and Lonely
8-9: Where Are You?
9-10: Aloneness Feeds Fear
12-13: He Said / She Said
17: Work Struggles
17,19: Smell of Success
Genesis 4
Genesis 5
24: My Eulogy (Hopefully!), Walk Faithfully with God
Genesis 6
1,7: A Dream Family Obeys
13-14,22: Vision to Reality
Genesis 7
16: Locked Down But Looking Up
Genesis 9
20-21: Shame From Drunkenness
20-23: Cover Their Shame
Genesis 11
4-8: Too Big To Succeed
Genesis 12
1: Risky Risks
18-19: Humility and Courage
Genesis 13
6-7: Suffering From Success, Stewardship of Success, Possessions Complicate
Genesis 15
8: How to Know
Genesis 16
2: Rush God, Humility and Courage
Genesis 17
1-3a: Longing to Belong
17: Faith Stretcher
Genesis 18
14: Do Hard Things, One Year At A Time
Genesis 19
Genesis 21
12: Influential Wife
22-24: Loyalty Creates Loyalty
Genesis 22
1-3: Invitation to Trust
15-17: Nothing Withheld
16-18: Obedience Reveals God
Genesis 25
21: Praying Husband
Genesis 26
34-35: Source of Grief
Genesis 27
27: Be a Blessing
27-29: A Father’s Blessing
43-44: Mom Wants What’s Best
Genesis 28
15-16: Seen and Unseen
Genesis 30
19-20: Gift of Children
Genesis 31
16: Wife Support
Genesis 33
Genesis 32
28: Ambushed by God
Genesis 34
1-2: Victims of Abuse
Genesis 37
10-11: Dream Dreams
Genesis 39
3-4: Vocational Fulfillment, God’s Favor, The Lord’s Favor, Are You Fulfilled In Your Work?
21: Nothing Can Stop God’s Favor
Genesis 40
Genesis 43
23: Calm Assurance
Genesis 45
Genesis 48
Genesis 49
33: A Godly Legacy
Genesis 50
16-17: Forgiveness Offers Sweet Relief
20-21: Reassuring Words