May 13, 2016


Nehemiah 1

2: Intentional Living

4: Heart Broken, Saddened by Sorrow

5: Covenant of Love

6: Right With God

11: Prayer for Success

Nehemiah 2

2: Transparent Behavior, A Sad Heart, Sadness of Heart

2-3: Saddened By Senseless Violence

4: Traits of a Great Leader, A God Sized Vision

5: Resourced by God

9: Thoroughly Prepared, Are You Thoroughly Prepared?

17-18: Disciplined Process, Faithful to a Disciplined Process

19-20: Mocked and Ridiculed

Nehemiah 3

1: Organized Service Project

Nehemiah 4

9: Prayer and Action

Nehemiah 5

9,11: Best Business Practices

16-17: Be Cautious of Over Collaboration

Nehemiah 6

3: God’s Great Work

Nehemiah 8

8: Attentive to Instruction

10: Strength From Joy, Joyful Strength, The Joy of the Lord

Nehemiah 9

6: Creation Gives Life

17: Gracious God

Nehemiah 13

13: Considered Trustworthy