May 13, 2016


Psalms 1

1-3: Fruit in its Season

3: Positioned for a Blessing to be a Blessing

Psalms 2

10-12: Serve the Lord With Fear

12: Refuge in Him

Psalms 3

3: Searching for Happiness

3-4: Our Shield and Protector

5: Who Sustains You?

5-6: Peace of Mind

Psalms 4

3: Chosen by God

4: What Do You Do With The Mad That You Feel?

6: A Loving Face, Face to Face With Jesus

7: Joy to the World in the New Year

8: Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Psalms 5

3: Actively Wait in Expectation

Psalms 6

2-4: Heart Sick

Psalms 7

15: Trouble Makers,

16: Troublemakers

17: Give Thanks – Having a Heart of Gratitude

Psalms 8

1-2: Praise and Thanksgiving Silence Your Enemies

2: Lips of Children

Psalms 9

1: Making It Easy, He Goes Before You, He Inhabits the Praises of His People

9: Being Your Authentic Self

9-10: Soft Heart, Faithful God, Trusting God in the Dark Places

10: Making Deals with God, Intimacy Builds Trust

Psalms 10

6: Naive Expectations

Psalms 11

1: Stand Steadfast

Psalms 12

6: Flawless Words

Psalms 13

6: Grateful for Good, Grateful for God’s Goodness

Psalms 14

2: An Invitation to Silence, Solitude—and Transformation, Seeking God’s Heart

5: God Is Present, God’s Ever Present Love

Psalms 15

1-3: Risky Relationships

Psalms 16

5: Intimacy Feeds Security

6: The Gift of Boundaries

7: God Gives Wisdom In The Night

8-9: Rest in Hope

8-11: He Won’t Leave You There

11: Path of Life, Your Glorious Heavenly Body, Slow Down Time, Source of Joy

Psalms 17

3: Heart Probe

6: Joys of Answered Prayer

15: A Satisfied Life

Psalms 18

1-3: Know Your Enemy

6: Where is God?

20-24: Lessons from Fruit Trees

25: Reward of Faithfulness

27: Celebrating Weakness , Benefits of Humility

Psalms 19

1: Love in Creation

1-3: A Wayside Sacrament

7: Reviving The Soul

11: Warning and Reward

13-14: An Epidemic of Rudeness

14: Contemplation For Change

Psalms 21

7: Trust Perseveres

Psalms 22

4-5: God Keeps His Promises

9: Trust Required, Made to Trust

10: God Loves Families

Psalms 23

1: Personal Savior

1-3: Perfect Love Leads Us

2: Forced Rest

4: Trust Overcomes Fear, Shadow Of Death, The God of Addition Not Subtraction

5: God’s Preparations

5-6: Sheltered in Place at God’s Table

Psalms 24

3-5: Qualifications for Closeness

Psalms 25

3: Shameless Hope

4: Can God Be Trusted?

4-5: Reflections

9: God Guides a Humble Heart

Psalms 26

3: Love and Truth

Psalms 27

3: Confident in Crisis

4: Desire for Beauty

10: Free from the Power of Rejection

13: Trusting God Through Disappointment

13-14: Wait For God’s Best

14: Profitable patience, His Timing is Perfect, He is Working in Your Waiting, Seasons of Waiting

Psalms 28

7: Help from God, Faith, Gratitude and My Dark Alley Friends

Psalms 29

3: Voice of God

Psalms 30

2: How Negative Emotions Can Lead to Emotional Healing

5: Relief From Pain, The Saddest Day of My Life, A Tribute to Momma, Finding Relief from Pain, Carrying Our Bag of Sorrows

6-7: Secure not Shaken

Psalms 31

14: Personal God, Raised Hands and a Broken Heart

15: My Times Are In Your Hands, God’s Hopeful Future, Enough Time and Divine Interruptions

21: Trust in the Darkest of Times

24: Hope for the Journey

Psalms 32

1: Blessings of Forgiveness

5: From Blame to Freedom from Sin

8: Three Things to Remember When Experiencing Change, Made for More

8-9: Stubborn or Willingly Led?

10-11: The Sin of Being Too Serious

Psalms 33

4: An Uncertain Present Doesn’t Mean an Uncertain Future

12: The Nation God Blesses

16-17: In God We Trust

Psalms 34

3-5: Magnify the Lord and Experience Peace

4: Deliverance from Fear

4-10: Seek God’s Refuge

5: A Life-Changing Conversation About Fear

14: What I Love About Peacemaking

17: Trusting God’s Timing and Sovereignty

18: A Broken Heart Softens or Hardens, God’s Empathy, Not in the Christmas Spirit, When You Pour Out, He Pours In, Agents of Healing and Hope, Healing My Heart: Step by Small Step, Wonderful Counselor for our Hearts, Always Loved, Never Forgotten, Forever Missed

Psalms 35

12-14: Passionate Prayer

27: God Desires Your Well-Being

Psalms 36

1-2: Self-Flattery

5: Makin’ It Through Your Messy Middle

5-6: Nurtured by Nature

7: Love That’s Returned to Sender

Psalms 37

3: Formed by Fire

4: Delight in the Lord, Angels of God

4-5: Duty of Delight

5: Under CommittedCommit Your Way To The Lord

7-8: Don’t Fret

11: Enjoy Great Peace

23: Planning for a New Year

25-26: How to Bless Your Children

Psalms 38

3-4: Inner Healing

5: The Hope of Healing

15: Wait for God’s Answer

Psalms 39

7: Expectations in God

Psalms 40

1: Give It Time

4: Trust Me

16: God is Great

17: Poor and Needy

Psalms 42

1-2: Holy Desire, Spiritual Withdraws

2: Are You Hungry?

Psalms 43

5: Why Am I Sad?

Psalms 45

11: The Mother and Wife of a President, Elegant and Beautiful

Psalms 46

1-3: Great Loss Great God

2: Trusting God in Troubled Times

5: Trusting Your Husband to the Lord

10: Human Beings, Know God To Know God’s Will, Be Still, Cease from Striving, He’s There to Help in Your Hurry, The Battle for Quiet Time, Patience and Forgiveness Overcome Boredom and Anger

10-11: Linger Longer With The Lord

Psalms 47

8: God Reign

Psalms 48

9: Master Meditation

10: Slow Down to Experience God

Psalms 49

20: Wise Wealth

Psalms 50

16-21: A Disciplined Life

23: Honor God

Psalms 51

1: Mercy – An Attribute of God

6: Authenticity Creates Authentic Connection

6, 15: Well-Balanced Faith

10: How to Experience Emotional Healing, Purified Motives and Deeper Love, God’s Secret, Surprise Healing

16-17: What Does God Delight In?

17: Broken by God

Psalms 52

8: Trust Grows, Generous Mercy

Psalms 53

1: Foolish Denial

Psalms 54

4: A Sustainable Lifestyle, Perseverance PatternGod is My Helper

Psalms 55

12-14: A Friend’s Rejection

22: Process Disappointment

Psalms 56

3-4:  Faith Versus Fear, Overcoming the Fear of What Other People Think

8: That’s Some Serious Crying

13: Saved from Death, Saved for Life

Psalms 57

2: Purpose Fulfillment

Psalms 59

16: Times of Trouble

Psalms 61

2: An Overwhelmed Heart

1-5: Letting Go of Control

Psalms 62

2: The Roller Coaster Moments of Life

5: Wait in Silence

8: God is a Refuge

Psalms 63

1: Earnest Seeker, Joyful Desire

1-3: Generous Toward God

Psalms 68

5: Help the Helpless

35: The Power of God

Psalms 69

3b, 13b: Persevere in Prayer

Psalms 70

1: What is God Working On?

Psalms 71

14: Hope Continually

17-18: Aging Exuberantly

Psalms 72

1-4: Physical and Spiritual Justice

Psalms 73

4-5: No Struggles

26: Help for Men with Parenting Regrets, The Last Leg

Psalms 74

9-17: Look Backward to Move Forward

Psalms 76

4: Reflection of God

Psalms 77

4-6: People of Hope

6: Songs in the Night

11-12: Spiritual Nostalgia

Psalms 78

35: Five Ways To Not Take A Vacation From God, No Vacation From God

72: Character and Competence

Psalms 80

18-19: Reach and Restore Everyone Through The Love of Christ

19: Daily Conversion

Psalms 81

8: Listen Well

Psalms 82

1: God Presides

Psalms 83

1: Distant God

Psalms 84 

1-2: Cultivate Holy Desires

2: Southern Snow Days

11: Deferred Dreams

Psalms 85

6: Revival of Joy

6-7: Give Us Life Again

8: Peace PromiseGod is Speaking. Are You Listening?

Psalms 86

11: Undivided Heart

16: New Moms Who Serve the Lord

Psalms 90

12: Time ManagementHow to Make the Most of Life, Number Our Days Aright, A Limited Life, 3 Truths About Forgiveness

Psalms 91

1-2: Trusting Even Though

Psalms 92

1-2: Grateful Hearts

12-14: Fruitful and Flourishing

Psalms 95

2: Choosing Joy

Psalms 96

11-12: A Fully Human Life

Psalms 97

11: The Light of Christ Brings Joy

Psalms 98

8-9: Be Joyful

Psalms 100

1-2: Gladly Serve the Lord

1-3: Worship When Worried

2: Energizing Service

3: He Wants to Get Your Heart Alone

5: Enduring Love

Psalms 101

6: Faithfulness to God

Psalms 103

2-3: Divine Forgiveness

11-12: God Forgives You

12: How Can I Forgive and Forget?

13-14: A Father’s Compassion

Psalms 104

16: Sapped by the Spirit

Psalms 105

1-5: Living Experience of Prayer

4: Keep Digging

4-5: Meaningful Summer Memories

Psalms 106

1: God is Good All the Time

13: Waiting for His Plan

Psalms 107

1: What to Do When Life StinksGod’s Multi-Faceted Character

8-9: God’s Generous Love

9: The Beauty of Generosity

35-38: A Place to Settle

43: Ponder His Love

Psalms 108

1: A Steady Heart

Psalms 109

4: Man of Prayer

17: Desire and Delight

Psalms 111

7: He is Always Faithful

10: Genesis of Wisdom, Humility and Wisdom

10: Practice Your Faith

Psalms 112

1: Secret to Happiness

7-8: Security Rejects Fear

Psalms 113

5-8: Lifted Up By The Lord

9: Happy Mother

Psalms 114

1-2: Timely Transitions

Psalms 116

15: Precious Saints, Blessed Who Die In The Lord, She Loved Well

Psalms 117

2: Great Mercy

Psalms 118

6: The Goodness of Disruption

13-14: Push Back

24: Today’s GiftHope for the Holiday, The Gift of Today

Psalms 119

1: Blameless Behavior, Blameless

1-3: Joy Follows Integrity and Obedience

4-5: Steadfast Love

11: Hiding and Proclaiming God’s Word, Spiritual Growth Plan

28: Soul Nurture

29: Who Are You Kidding?

33-35: Meant to be Broken?

44-45: Obedience Creates Freedom

54: Longing for Home

63: Christian Companions

98-99: Humility and Wisdom

103: An Acquired Taste

103-104: Food For The Soul

105: Discern Truth Over Lies, The Right Path and Next Step, Positioning Yourself to Hear from God

116: The Question That Changes Everything

165: Peace in Conflict

Psalms 120

1: Distress Call

Psalms 121

1-2: You Are Safe

3-4: Neither Slumber Nor Sleep

3-5: Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Psalms 126

1-2,5: Harvest of Happiness

1-3: What Joy!

5: Grief Comforted by Tears

Psalms 127

1: Built by God

2: Labor In The Lord’s Love

4-5: The Blessings of Becoming a New Dad

Psalms 128

1: Don’t Throw Rocks on Your Relational Path of Blessing

1,3: A Healthy Family

1-4: A Fruitful Family

Psalms 129

4: Cut Free

Psalms 130

3-4: Clean Slate

Psalms 131

1-2: Weaned or Weaning

1-3: Quiet Trust

2: Stilled and Quieted

Psalms 132

1: Hardships Endured

Psalms 133

1: Puzzle Pieces of Community, How to Love Your Mate When They Overreact

1-3: The Gift of Unity

1,3: Live in Unity

3: Harmony is Refreshing

Psalms 134

1: The Lord’s Servant

Psalms 135

1-3: Gathered and Scattered

6: Let That Relationship Problem Make You Better, Not Bitter

15-18: Worship Changes Us

Psalms 136

1: God May Not Be Who You Think He Is

16: What Your Unanswered Desire Says About God’s Love for You

Psalms 139

1: God Knows

1-4: God Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

3: He Will Never Leave You

7: Never Alone

7-12: Made for Communion

12: Dark as Light

14: An Instagram Comparison Trap

Psalms 140

3: Poisonous Words

Psalms 141

5: Righteous Rebuke

Psalms 142

2: Complaint to Christ

Psalms 143

1: Hear My Prayer

5: God Memories

8: Four Ways Christ Loves Us (Part 2 of 2)When You Struggle with Envy, Four Ways God Loves You, Choosing to Move Forward

Psalms 145

1-3: Everyday Praise

4: Tell of His Mighty Acts

8: Words that Agree with God

Psalms 146

3-7: Who Do You Trust?

7b-9: Bent Towards Justice

Psalms 147

3: Shame, Blame, Promises and Peanut, Thankful for the Scars

11: Hope in the New Year

Psalms 150

1-2: A Tribute to God’s Greatness

6: Grateful Praise, Your Personal 3P’s