“Pray that our rulers would be men and women who take refuge in the Lord.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – March 15, 2025
Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling. Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. Psalm 2:10-12, NIV
If you read the news, it’s easy to think the powers that rule this world are the highest authorities that exist. Nations rage against one another, and men rule in ways that seem best to them, sometimes for the good of those they lead, and sometimes for their ill. And though the suffering and prosperity may vary across time and place, this general truth is universally true. What is also universally true is the limits of all earthly powers, no matter how great or powerful they may be in the eyes of mankind.
The psalmist reminds us today that the rulers of the earth are always subordinate to the Lord, who rules and reigns on high. The greatest leaders in human history are those who have remembered this truth, leading with humility and a genuine desire to serve the common good. Conversely, the most significant pain and destruction that humanity has ever endured has come at the hands of ruthless and evil men and women who live as though there is no God and no one to whom they will ever be accountable for their actions.
Of course, you and I cannot simply “make” our rulers be wise and serve the Lord with fear. However, we can intentionally and faithfully lift up our leaders in prayer, regardless of whoever may sit on the throne or reign in the halls of power. As Christians, our greatest allegiance is always Christ, living as servants of the one true King. That said, Christians have always lifted up their earthly rulers in prayer, and you and I should do the same.
If you ever struggle to know how to pray for earthly rulers, let Psalm 2 be a guiding light for you. Though we may be tempted to pray for (or against) certain policies, and there’s certainly wisdom in that, the most foundational prayer that we can pray for our leaders is that they would be men and women who take refuge in the Lord. If they “serve the Lord with fear,” truly living as those under his authority, everything else will fall into place.
Father, keep our hearts set on high in your eternal kingdom, and keep us from fear or anxiety as we navigate our earthly days, remembering that all things are under your care. Amen.
Take time today to pray for your national and local leaders, that they would live with a deep awareness of the rule and reign of God and take refuge in him.
Related Reading
Proverbs 21:1; Isaiah 40:23-24; Daniel 2:21
Worship Resource
Hillsong Worship: King of Kings
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