“When you sit with Jesus, you are wise to take His words to heart and joyfully obey.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – December 30, 2024
Lazarus was one of them who sat at the table with him. John 12:2
It was good to be Martha and serve Jesus, but it was better to be Lazarus and sit with Jesus. Perhaps it was a boisterous table celebrating the recent resurrection of Lazarus. You remember what had just happened. Lazarus had been lingering next to death for several days, and before Jesus showed up, he died. Jesus loved his friend so much that He could not allow him to remain separated from the warm love of friends and family by a cold death. In that miraculous moment of the Lord raising Lazarus to life, the Jews were astonished, exclaiming, “See how He loved him!” John 11:36. Oh wow, yes indeed…love gives life. Abundant life now and eternal life later.
Doubtless, gratitude was a primary reason Lazarus took the time and enjoyed the honor of sitting with Jesus. The dead man, now living, took the time to be with the one responsible for his new life. Jesus brought him back to life publicly, and now, among friends, Lazarus honors his best friend by being present in the presence of generous love. A spirit of gratitude has this effect on a human being. Unable to act like a person who thinks he can take credit for life’s blessings, Lazurus is compelled to give credit to those who have made his life better. Thankful lives invest time, love, and energy with those who have invested in their lives with generous love. You sit with Jesus to thank Him, then pray for those who gave to you, asking God to multiply their blessings. Honor their kindness by maintaining the spirit of giving in your own life, reflecting Christ’s love. Gratitude inspires generous giving, deepens relationships, and glorifies God.
Another reason Lazarus must have felt compelled to sit with Jesus was to learn from Jesus. Anyone who can bring a person back to life has wisdom and truth to convey to teachable hearts. Top of mind for Lazarus had to be the wisdom of obeying the words of Jesus when His Lord said, Lazarus, come forth! He did. The former dead man did not linger in the stinky smell of the grave clothes. Instead, the new man put on the fresh-smelling clothes of his righteousness in Christ. When you sit with Jesus, you are wise to take His words to heart and joyfully obey.
As Lazarus sat with Jesus, he could have recalled the tears that Jesus wept for him right before He restored him to life. Unbelievers even looked on and saw Jesus’ compassion for His friend. Be comforted that your loving Savior weeps with groaning compassion for you. Whatever your pain or grief, your Suffering Servant bears your burdens as your faith yokes you with Him. Tears of heaven mingle with your tears on earth to warm your heart and soothe your mind with peace.
Overcoming death and facing new threats of death were real-time lessons to learn from His Lord. Fresh from being freed from the sting of death, his miraculous story caused many to come to faith in Christ. And the religious leaders were not happy at all, as they sought to put Lazarus to death (John 12:10-11). You or those you love may face the imminent threat of death. Take heart. Your Savior and Lord Jesus Christ has overcome death and gives eternal life to all who believe. No need to fret or fear death, for it is the doorway to be with loved ones and to sit with Jesus!
Lord Jesus, help me to pause and sit with You daily. Teach me to rest in Your presence, listen to Your voice, and draw closer to Your heart. In Your name, Amen.
Sit with Jesus daily and write down what He is teaching you.
Related Reading
Exodus 33:11; Psalm 63:1; Matthew 6:6; Luke 10:39
Worship Resource
Aware Worship feat. Tinika Wyatt: Cry Out
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