December 4, 2010

Temporary Setbacks

Written by Wisdom Hunters

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- December 4, 2010

“They went immediately to the Jews in Jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop. Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill… Ezra 4:23b-24a

Don’t give up. You may be facing a temporary setback, but God’s purposes will not be thwarted. It may seem as if your life is on hold and everything has come to a stand still. You have worked so hard to get to this point, but it looks like the opportunity has vanished. Hold it with an open hand, as it may have disappeared.

If so, God has something better.

It is not time to get mad, but glad. What God initiates, He accomplishes. He hasn’t forgotten about you or your circumstances. He is on top of the situation. This is a temporary setback. This is a good time for you to catch your breath and reflect on the great things He has done so far. You have been running hard, so pause and prepare for the next stage of personal and professional growth.

You do not need to venture into opportunities for which your character is not ready. The last thing you want is to move forward without the depth of wisdom, patience, relationships, and operational skills needed to complete the project. The motive of your adversaries is to crush your project, but God is taking what was meant for evil and using it for good.

The unfair criticism of others is a cheap way to distract you; so ignore their insults. Immature people act immaturely. Do not lower yourself to their level of behavior. Otherwise, you may never get out. You’ll spin your wheels and becoming defensive; and you’ll get stuck. Focus on God, not your distracters. He is the one who has led you this far and He is the one who will lead you through to completion. If everything were easy, we might take God’s blessings for granted or we might forgo gratitude to God.

Lastly, the Lord knows what is best. He knows how to align everyone’s hearts involved in the project. Sometimes, there is even an ironic twist. He may eventually use the endorsement, resources, and relationships of your biggest critics. The ones who rolled a boulder onto the road may be the very ones who remove the obstacles and provide you fuel for the journey. Isn’t it just like God to turn the tables?

Obstacles become opportunities; adversaries become advocates; critics become cheerleaders; enemies become emissaries. And setbacks become a tremendous springboard for God’s will. Take heart, and keep your head up. It is darkest before the dawn. Hang in there with Jesus, and He will hold you up. Your Savior will sustain you. God’s purposes will not be thwarted, so believe it, and watch Him work.

The Bible says, “Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means” (2 Corinthians 8:11).


  1. Cherish Menard says:

    I just wanted to Thank you for posting this today. I almost deleted it without reading it today and something said “just click it”…I have just recently lost my job due to some medical problems and am at a point were things are looking very grim for the holiday season. My husband works over seas and I have 3 children at home. This devotional put a glimmer of hope back into my spirit. I find myself lost right now…very far away from God, I think it is time to come home. We moved a year ago to a new city and just never found a home church here. I really miss my old church family. Not having my children in Youth group…I see the difference a year has made. Look at me rambling on…I just wanted to say thank you for those words…I really needed it today! Bless you and have a Merry Christmas!

  2. My Dear Mr. Bailey, I thank God for you and The Wisdom Hunters.I know that God told you to send this to me, so I can be strong in my setback. Now I have the armor I need to keep fighting. I can fully say I have on The Whole Armor Of God. Thank You Brenda L. Jackson

  3. Barbara Scott says:

    I thank you for the message. It was truly on time for me.

    May God bless you and have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

  4. Deborah Moore says:

    Mr. Bailey,

    You can’t even imagine how very timely this message was to me and my children for what we have been enduring the last 4 (almost 5) years. This was an incredible message at a time that we needed to hear from heaven and we did. I just smiled when I began to read this, because I knew it was God using this message to speak to my heart about our situation. There have been several other times that these have truly ministered to us in our situation since we began receiving these devotionals…but this one was definitely the one that put the icing on the cake! Thank you so much for your obedience to God in sending these out–they have truly been a tremendous blessing!!!

  5. Mr. Bailey,
    For such a time as time, I thank God for being a very present help in the time of need. I was recently diagnosed with some health issues and your devotion has inspired me to be renewed in my spirit to know that these light afflictions (set backs) are for just a moment. Thankyou very much….

  6. Sonia says:

    Thank you this was right on time for me today. A dear brother in the Lord sent it to me when I was completely overwhelmed and engulfed in pain and loss. My fiance broke up with me because I was obeying the Lord and not what he wanted so my ex-fiance left us hanging. It’s hard and I don’t know where we are going from here as I have a daughter too. The apt will evict us soon and Im praying for direction doing all I know to do and leaving the rest in God’s hands. This is not the 1st time I’ve been abandoned and lost so much but God is with me and always has been. In that I will trust and rest. He’s not done with me yet.

  7. Yolanda says:

    I have read this over and over since the day it was published. I read all of Boyd’s wisdom hunters. My life has been rocked with pain but I’m trying to hold onto God and see the beauty of my life. I lost my fiance in August to death. He died suddenly. I was lost and left with nothing (we were planning our marriage for March 2011), we had moved in with one another and put out life togerher. As he was a very wealthy man he had made provisions for me. However the court ruled against me – and awarded his entire estate to his family. I am facing eviction, have no food and no money. I have walked with Christ since I was a child so I know He won’t leave me. I own my own company that my finance and I had started to rebuild together. That also came to a halt. I have been looking for work ever since. Well educated I thought it would be easy – but I’m over 50 so not so easy to get back in the work force for an MBA candidate as I thought. Anyway as I said I re-read this everyday because I need to hold on. The beauty…well my daughter is expecting her second child in about a week. Our new litte Charli is due Dec. 25th yes and that’s the greatest gift God could give me. No matter what Boyd, I know that God will provide for me. Even if for a little while I face a temporary setback.

    Thank you for reading this.

  8. Christine says:

    Thank you so much for this site. I have been divorced since September and now I am facing the marriage of my former spouse. It has been so hard but I know God is in control and He has been with me every step of the way. Trying to find a job and re-invent myself after being a stay-at -home mom for 14 years has also been difficult. I am now going back to school and working as a volunteer in a legal aid office. He continues to provide for me and my son. I cling to Rom 8:28 and the promises of His word. Thank you so much again for the encouragement you give. God bless you.

  9. Kenesha says:

    Absolutely amazing!!!! I just thank God for the shepherds of this earth who take their time out to feed fragile sheep like me!!! This message is the exact thing that I have been dealing with for so long. I had just been in a positon of where I could not afford to continue to go to the college that I worked so hard to get in and remain. I transfered to a school that made me feel even worst about the entire situation, and now I’m currently out of school for a semester due to some odd circumstances. But GOD!!!! God has used my mother to help me get back into the very school that I had to withdraw from due to financial hardships. Glory to God!!!! He was working in the midst of my distress and weak points. Thank you for this uplifting word!!!

  10. Tolanda says:

    Wow! This is just the food I need for my spirit! I was led to close my dream business early this year, and thought now what? My flesh had given up on my passion and thought that I needed to find a different field. After searching in the world I felt soooo lost and not so confident. But God…He put my song back in my heart. This blog is just confirmation and what I have been asking God for. Thank you sooo much! I have a new perspective on why I am at the place where I am in my life. God is definitely up to something and I am excited about what He is doing and going to do. His strength has made me strong! Glory be to God!

  11. Yvonne Quist says:

    I have been so inspired by this website and look forward to reading these words every morning. After reading the responses from the other followers I do not feel alone. I feel revived. God has come back to me at a time that I really needed him more than ever. I can’t explain it but the timing of these words that I read every day and the message that I receive well I am amazed and feel blessed. Thank you for making this time more understandable and that God is walking this road with me holding my hand and saying to me, you are going to be fine. God Bless.

  12. Wiletta says:

    I am one of your recent Readers as I was seeking comfort through the loss of my Mother 3 weeks ago and Dad last year, among trying to understand unexpected family feud (totally shocked). I want to let you know that you are truly one of the host of Angels God has dispatched in the lives of many to deliver God’s Word, inspire, encorage. I am so grateful that one day God as He so graciously does answeted my prayers, directed me to a Christian friend, your devotionals. I havent met you in the flesh but I feel a true bond in Christian relationship . May God continue to bless you. I thank you, you are truly gifted, a man after God’s heart.

  13. Michael G. Bombinski says:

    Thank you for this website and the men of God that you are. December, my wife and I left our church and December 4th I prayed a prayer for our family to be debt free. Three days later a little baby was placed in our home because we are foster parents. The agency did not bring anything with him. In two weeks when he left he had gathered four bags of clothes and toys. God is good all the time. We have now joined a new church in which the pastor is truly seeking GODS Face and being the shepherd to the flock the LORD has put in his care.

    Thank you.

  14. Lehia Johnson says:

    Wowwwww, as usual God is good!! He knows what we need to hear, especially at trying times such as these.. I’m grateful to those he uses for words/messages of encouragement. Like my dad always say, It’s not a set back, but the Way back…… Thank you for sharing this, it definitely helps and changes perspective on things/situations….God Bless you and your ministry!!! Happy Thanksgiving..

  15. Jimmie Murray says:

    I thank God for a devotion like yours to give
    Me power to move forward.

  16. Billy says:

    I read this at a time that my wife has left me for the second time since Christmas. I really needed to hear those words as, she breaks my heart I it is all I can do to take my next breaths. I am hoping in Jesus that she will come back to me and seek the help that she desperately needs. I love her very much and your message is one of hope and encouragement to me. Thank you my Brother.

  17. Billy says:

    I am very broken at the time by the fleeing of my wife for the second time since Christmas. You words are a HUGE encouragement. Thank-you.

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